POST /v1/addDHCPServiceDeploymentOption - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity


Adds DHCP service options.


Name Description

Location: query

Type: integer (int64)

The object ID for the entity to which you are adding the service option.

Location: query

Type: string

The name of the DHCPv4 service option you are adding. This name must be one of the constants listed in DHCP service options.
Note: If you do not configure the DDNS_UPDATE_STYLE service option, the default value is interim.

Location: query

Type: string

Adds object properties, including user-defined fields.

Location: query

Type: string

The value you are assigning to the option.
Note: When adding the DDNS hostname option, you must specify the value in the format: [Type], [Position], [Data] for IP and MAC type, and [Type], [Data] for FIXED type. Where:
  • Type —type of DDNS hostname. The possible values are DHCPServiceOptionConstants.DDNS_HOSTNAME_TYPE_IP, DHCPServiceOptionConstants.DDNS_HOSTNAME_TYPE_MAC, or DHCPServiceOptionConstants.DDNS_HOSTNAME_TYPE_FIXED.
  • Position —specify where you wish to add the data value to the IP or MAC address. The possible values are DHCPServiceOptionConstants.DDNS_HOSTNAME_POSITION_PREPEND, or DHCPServiceOptionConstants.DDNS_HOSTNAME_POSITION_APPEND. This is only required for IP or MAC type with Data.
  • Data —for IP and MAC address, this value is used to be prepended or appended to the IP address or MAC address. For FIXED type, this value must be specified and will be used for the DDNS hostname. This is optional for IP and MAC type.
When adding the DDNS update style, you must specify the value in the following format:
Note: When specifying the "deny-mac-pool" DHCP service option in the name parameter, you must leave the value parameter blank. Then, identify the MAC pool that you want to deny in the properties parameter, such as
properties = 'macPool=123456'
Note: Depending on the type of deployment option you are adding, the format of the value input might differ. For more information, refer to Reference: Deployment option value formats.


Code Description

Type: integer (int64)

Returns the object ID for the new DHCPv4 service option.