Escaping characters - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

When working with the Address Manager API, there are certain characters that need to be escaped or converted to a hexadecimal equivalent when used within certain query parameters or fields.

Pipe character

The pipe character (|) is used as a property delimiter for Address Manager objects. When you are adding or updating an Address Manager object using the SOAP or REST API and you are adding the pipe character to an Address Manager object property, such as a comment, you must escape the pipe symbol with the back slash (\) character or its hexadecimal equivalent of %7C.

Octothorpe symbol

The octothorpe character (#) is not supported within the Address Manager object property field when adding or updating an Address Manager object using the REST API; however, this symbol is supported using the SOAP API. If you are using this character with the REST API, you must convert this character to its hexadecimal equivalent of %23.

Backslash symbol

The backslash character (\) is an accepted character in the RDATA fields of TXT records, comments, or user-defined fields. This character can represent different meanings in programming languages, such as Python, and must be escaped when used in these programming languages.

Single quotes symbol

The single quotes character (') is an accepted character in the RDATA fields of TXT records, comments, or user-defined fields. This character can represent different meanings in programming languages, such as Python, and must be escaped when used in these programming languages.

Double quotes symbol

The double quotes character (") is an accepted character in the RDATA fields of TXT records, comments, or user-defined fields. This character can represent different meanings in programming languages, such as Python, and must be escaped when used in these programming languages.

Percent sign symbol

The percent sign character (%) is an accepted character but the web server attempts to interpret the two characters following the percent sign as hexadecimal characters. If you are using this character, you must convert the character to its hexadecimal equivalent of %25

Ampersand symbol

The ampersand character (&) is an accepted character in TXT record fields but is also used as an HTML field separator character. If you are using this character, you must convert the character to its hexadecimal equivalent of %26

Space symbol

The space character ( ) is an accepted character but can result in the following error:
URL can't contain control characters
If you are using this character, you must convert the character to its hexadecimal equivalent of %20

Plus symbol

The plus character (+) is an accepted character but is converted to a space when sent to Address Manager. If you are using this character, you must convert the character to its hexadecimal equivalent of %2B

Dollar symbol

The dollar character ($) is an accepted character within the TXT record comment field or user-defined field but results in an error when using in the RDATA field of TXT records.