Viewing API interactions - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

You can view API interactions with Address Manager in the api-diagnostics.log file. It's a rolling log file that, by default, rotates when it reaches 100MB in size.

To view the api-diagnostics.log file :

  1. Log in to Address Manager via SSH using the root account.
  2. Run the following command:
    root@bam12:/opt/server/proteus/log# vi api-diagnostics.log
    The file contents display in JSON format, similar to the following example:
    Below is an example of a single API call within the file:

    Fields in the api-diagnostics.log file

    The following table describes the meaning of each field shown in the api-diagnostics.log file.

    Field type Abbreviation Meaning
    Common "t" The date and time of the API call
    "id" The API call ID
    "m" The API call method
    Enter "tid" The API call thread ID
    "c" The client IP address where the API call is from
    "u" The username used in the API call
    "us" The user session of the API call
    "hm" The HTTP method of the API call (REST only)
    "ma" The method arguments of the API call
    Exit "hs" The HTTP status of the API call (REST only)
    "rt" The result type of the API call (non-void results only)
    "rl" The result length of the API call (array results only)
    "r" The user session of the API call (non-void results only)
    Exception "e" The exception localized message
    Common exit/exception "d" The time to respond in milliseconds