POST /v1/updateRetentionSettings - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity


Sets the new value for history retention settings. Returns the existing retention settings if you do not pass in any parameters.

Attention: To set a retention value for any data type, you must also set the value of its corresponding update parameter to true. For example: to set the admininstrative history retention to 100 days:
http://<AddressManager_IP or hostname>/Services/REST/v1/updateRetentionSettings?admin=100&updateAdmin=true


Name Description

Location: query

Type: integer (int32)

The number of days of administrative history to keep in the database.
  • Setting the value to -1 is equivalent to Retain Indefinitely in the BAM database.

Location: query

Type: integer (int32)

The number of days of DDNS history to keep in the database.
  • Setting the value to -1 is equivalent to Retain Indefinitely in the BAM database.
  • Setting the DDNS retention setting to 0 is equivalent to Do Not Retain, and these records no longer write to the database. So, if a user has enabled the audit data export feature, they will get no records written to their audit data.

Location: query

Type: integer (int32)

The number of days of DHCP history to keep in the database.
  • Setting the value to -1 is equivalent to Retain Indefinitely in the BAM database.
  • Setting the DHCP retention setting to 0 is equivalent to Do Not Retain, and these records no longer write to the database. So, if a user has enabled the audit data export feature, they will get no records written to their audit data.

Location: query

Type: integer (int32)

The number of days of logs of session and event history to keep in the database.
  • Setting the value to -1 is equivalent to Retain Indefinitely in the BAM database.
Attention: The value for Session and Event History parameter must be greater than or equal to the value of each of the other types.

Location: query

Type: boolean

If true, update the retention setting for administrative history.

Location: query

Type: boolean

If true, update the retention setting for DDNS history.

Location: query

Type: boolean

If true, update the retention setting for DHCP history.

Location: query

Type: boolean

If true, update the retention setting for session and event history.


Code Description

Type: string

Returns a string value of a comma-separated list of the retention settings for the four data types in the order: admin, sessionEvent, ddns, and dhcp.