PUT bam/v1/promote - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity


Promotes a standby Address Manager server in a replication configuration to primary. This API method can only be called on standby Address Manager servers.

When calling PUT bam/v1/promote on a standby server in a replication configuration with three Address Manager servers, where the primary server is offline/unreachable:
  • Database replication is reset on the standby servers.
  • The former primary server is removed from the trusted parties list on the former standby servers (the trust relationship between the former standby servers remains).
  • Database replication is reconfigured using the former standby servers. The standby server that PUT bam/v1/promote was called on becomes the new primary server.
  • The other standby server remains a standby in the new two-server replication configuration.
When calling PUT bam/v1/promote on a standby server in a replication configuration with two Address Manager servers, where the primary server is offline/unreachable:
  • Database replication is reset on the standby server. The standby server becomes a standalone server.
  • The former primary server is removed from the trusted parties list on the new standalone server.


Key Description
Defines the format of the response returned from the API. The Content-Type header can be set to one of the following values:
  • */* - returns the response in JSON format
  • application/json - returns the response in JSON format
  • application/xml - returns the response in XML format


Code Description

Type: string

Returns a string indicating the status of the operation.