POST /v1/addZone - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity


Adds DNS zones. When using addZone, you can use dot (.) characters to create the top-level domain and subzones.


Name Description

Location: query

Type: string

The complete FQDN of the zone with no trailing dot, for example,

Location: query

Type: integer (int64)

The object ID for the parent object to which the zone is being added. For top-level domains, the parent object is a DNS view. For sub-zones, the parent object is a top-level domain or DNS zone.

Location: query

Type: string

Adds object properties, including a flag for deployment, a flag for dynamic update, a flag for moving matching dotted resource records to the new subdomain, an optional network template association, and user-defined fields in the format:
deployable=<true|false>|dynamicUpdate=<true|false>|template=<template id>|
The deployable flag is false by default and is optional. To make the zone deployable, set the deployable flag to true.

The dynamicUpdate flag is false by default and is optional. When the dynamicUpdate flag is set to true, any resource records that are added, updated, or deleted within the zone will be selective deployed to the associated primary DNS/DHCP Server of that zone.

The moveDottedResourceRecords flag is set to true by default and is optional. When the moveDottedResourceRecords flag is set to false, existing dotted-name resource records matching the new subdomain will not be moved into the new subdomain.
  • You can only set the dynamicUpdate flag to true if the deployable flag is set to true.
  • Once you enable the dynamicUpdate feature, you must perform a full DNS deployment before resource record changes are automatically deployed.
  • If you update a deployment option within the zone, a deployment is not performed automatically.
  • If you update a deployment option followed by a resource record change, only the resource record change is deployed. You must perform a manual deployment to deploy the option change.
  • If you are moving resource records from one zone to another and the dynamicUpdate flag is enabled on the destination zone, changes related to the resource record move will be automatically deployed to both the source and destination zones. This deployment occurs regardless of whether the dynamicUpdate flag is enabled or disabled on the source zone.

    If the destination zone does not have dynamicUpdate enabled, changes related to the moved resource record will not be automatically deployed.


Code Description

Type: integer (int64)

Returns the object ID for the new DNS zone.