Address Manager API v9.4.0 includes the following new constants:
- selectiveDeploymentAllowed is now available when configuring access
rights. You can use the selectiveDeploymentAllowed constant with the
addAccessRight and
updateAccessRight methods to determine whether a user
or group can perform a selective deployment of data to a managed server, and
selective deploy resource records that are added, updated, and deleted
within a DNS zone that has the dynamicUpdate parameter
enabled.Note: The selectiveDeploymentAllowed access right can only be configured at the root level.
- dynamicUpdate is now available when configuring DNS zones. You can use the dynamicUpdate constant with the addZone and update methods to determine whether resource records that are added, updated, or deleted within the zone will be automatically deployed to the associated primary DNS/DHCP Server of that zone using selective deployment.
- encryptedNotification is now available when adding and replacing servers. You can use the encryptedNotification constant with the addServer and replaceServer methods to encrypt communication between Address Manager and DNS/DHCP Servers. Use of this property is optional and the value is false if not specified.
- moveDottedResourceRecords is now available when adding zones. You can use the moveDottedResourceRecords constant with the addZone method to move existing dotted-name resource records that match the new subdomain into the new subdomain. Use of this property is optional and the value is true if not specified.
- zoneTransferProtocol has been created for configuration of DNS deployment roles. Use the zoneTransferProtocol constant with the addDNSDeploymentRole method to establish the protocol for zone transfers. The property is optional and the default value is v4 if not specified.
- The following constants have been added for use with
createXHAPair and editXHAPair to
facilitate IPv6 transport:
- backboneActiveServerIPv6Address
- backboneActiveServerIPv6Subnet
- backbonePassiveServerIPv6Address
- backbonePassiveServerIPv6Subnet