Reference: creating xHA option list - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

List of options

activeServerPassword The deployment password for the active server. For more information on the default server password, refer to BlueCat default login credentials (you must be authenticated to view this topic).
passiveServerPassword The deployment password for the passive server. For more information on the default server password, refer to BlueCat default login credentials (you must be authenticated to view this topic).
pingAddress An IPv4 or IPv6 address that is accessible to both active and passive servers in the xHA pair.
ip6Address An optional IPv6 address for the xHA pair.
newManagementAddress The new IPv4 address for the Management interface for the active server (only for DNS/DHCP Servers with dedicated management enabled).
backboneActiveServerIPv4Address The IPv4 address of the xHA interface for the active server (eth1).
backboneActiveServerIPv4Netmask The IPv4 netmask of the xHA interface for the active server (eth1).
backbonePassiveServerIPv4Address The IPv4 address of the xHA interface for the passive server (eth1).
backbonePassiveServerIPv4Netmask The IPv4 netmask of the xHA interface for the passive server (eth1).
backboneActiveServerIPv6Address The IPv6 address of the xHA interface for the active server (eth1).
backboneActiveServerIPv6Subnet The IPv6 subnet of the xHA interface for the active server (eth1).
backbonePassiveServerIPv6Address The IPv6 address of the xHA interface for the passive server (eth1).
backbonePassiveServerIPv6Subnet The IPv6 subnet of the xHA interface for the passive server (eth1).
activeServerIPv4AddressForNAT The inside virtual IPv4 address for the active server.
passiveServerIPv4AddressForNAT The inside virtual IPv4 address for the passive server.
activeServerNewIPv4AddressForNAT The inside physical IPv4 address for the active server.