POST /v1/assignIP6Address - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity


Assigns an IPv6 address to a MAC address and host.


Name Description

Location: query

Type: string

Determines how to assign the address. Valid values are MAKE_STATIC or MAKE_DHCP_RESERVED.

Location: query

Type: string

The IPv6 address to be assigned. The address must be created with addIP6Address before it can be assigned. For more information, refer to POST /v1/addIP6Address. The address must be a string representing an IPv6 address.

Location: query

Type: integer (int64)

The object ID of the container in which the IPv6 address is being assigned. This can be the object ID of a configuration, IPv6 block, or IPv6 network. The parent IPv6 network object must exist before adding an IPv6 address, otherwise an error will occur.

Location: query

Type: string

The host information for the IPv6 address. This value can be empty. The hostInfo string uses the following format:
viewId, hostname, ifSameAsZone,

Where viewId is the object ID of the DNS view; hostname is the name of DNS zone for the address; ifSameAsZone is a Boolean value, with true indicating that the name of the resource record should be the same as the host; ifReverseMapping is a Boolean value, with true indicating that a reverse record should be created.

Shown here is an example of a hostInfo string:

Location: query

Type: string

The MAC address as a 12 digit hexadecimal in the format nnnnnnnnnnnn, nn-nn-nn-nn-nn-nn, or nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn.

Location: query

Type: string

A string containing the following property, including user-defined fields:
  • ptrs —a string containing the list of unmanaged external host records to be associated with the IPv6 address in the format:
    viewId,exHostFQDN[, viewId,exHostFQDN,...]
    You can assign External Host records to an IPv6 address using the following method:
    EntityProperties props = new EntityProperties;
    ObjectProperties.ptrs,  "123,,456,"
    long addressId = service.assignIP4Address
    configurationId, IPv6Address, macAddressStr, hostInfo, IPAssignmentActionValues.MAKE_STATIC, props.getPropertiesString;
  • name —name of the IPv6 address.
  • reserveUsing —defines the type of reservation, if through Client DUID or MAC Address. Applicable only for DHCP Reserved IP Addresses. If this value is not defined, the system deafults to Client DUID. You must set this parameter to one of the constants shown in DHCPv6 reserveUsing property.
  • DUID —DHCPv6 unique identifier.
  • locationCode —the hierarchical location code consists of a set of 1 to 3 alpha-numeric strings separated by a space. The first two characters indicate a country, followed by next three characters which indicate a city in UN/LOCODE. New custom locations created under a UN/LOCODE city are appended to the end of the hierarchy. For example, CA TOR OF1 indicates: CA= Canada TOR=Toronto OF1=Office 1.
    Note: The code is case-sensitive. It must be all UPPER CASE letters. The county code and child location code should be alphanumeric strings.
This value can be empty.


Code Description

Type: boolean

Returns true if the IPv6 address is successfully assigned; returns false if the address is not successfully assigned.