POST /v1/selectiveDeploy - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity


Selectively deploys—creates a differential deployment task to deploy changes made to specific DNS entities, such as resource records, to a managed DNS/DHCP Server.
Note: You can use the selectiveDeploy API method to deploy DNS resource records that have moved zones. The new zone of the resource record to must be deployed to the same DNS/DHCP Server as the previous zone that the resource record was deployed to. You cannot deploy the DNS resource record if the new zone is deployed to a different DNS/DHCP Server.


Name Description

Location: query

Type: string

A string containing the following deployment options:
  • scope —a string value. This property defines whether the deployment task includes objects that are related to the defined DNS resource records. The scope can be one of the following values:
    • related (default value) —deploys the DNS resource records defined in the entityIds list including DNS resource records that are related to those entities. For more information on additional entities that are deployed when the related scope is defined, refer to Reference: selective deployment related scope.
    • specific —deploys only the DNS resource records that are defined in the entityIds list.
  • batchMode —an enum value. This property batches selective deployment tasks. The scope can be one of the following values:
    • disabled (default value) —disables the batching of selective deployment tasks.
    • batch_by_server —enables the batching of selective deployment tasks.
    Note: The batching of selective deployment tasks is dependent on the following conditions:
    • The tasks are from the same server.
    • Each deployment task that is configured for batching must have batchMode set to batch_by_server.
    • The batched deployment contains less than 100 resource records.
  • continueOnFailure —a boolean value. This property specifies the mode of operation on a failed resource record. If set to false, deployment stops when a record fails. If set to true, deployment continues when a record fails and moves to the next record. The default value is true if batchMode is set to batch_by_server, otherwise the default value is false.
  • dynamicRecords —an enum value. This property defines how dynamic records are handled with selective deployment tasks. The value can be one of the following:
    • fail (default value) —the selective deployment task fails when a dynamic record is encountered.
    • skip —skips dynamic records by removing them from the list of entity IDs before the selective deployment task is performed.
      Note: If you perform a selective deployment where all entities are dynamic and you define the skip option, all records will be removed from the selective deployment task and the deployment fails with the following message:
      Verify input error.: Empty entity id input
    • makestatic —dynamic records are updated to static records before the selective deployment task is performed. You can use this option to convert previously created dynamic records, such as records created using the addDeviceInstance method, to static records and selectively deploy the changes to the DNS/DHCP Server. This has no effect on related records that are deployed using the related scope.
      Note: If you define the makestatic option and the selective deployment task fails for any reason, the updated records are not rolled back and remain static records.

Location: body

A list of entity IDs that specify the DNS entities to deploy. You can provide the entity IDs of DNS resource records and IP addresses. When you provide the entity ID of an IP address, the PTR records that are linked to the host records (A or AAAA) are deployed.
Note: If you are deploying IP address entity IDs, you must also have a DNS deployment role configured on the network that contains IP addresses with resource record dependencies.
Attention: Restrictions:
  • You can only deploy a maximum of 100 DNS entities per selective deployment API call.
  • You cannot deploy dynamic records.
  • You cannot deploy external host records.
  • You cannot deploy resource records if they belong to multiple DNS/DHCP Servers.
  • If you are deploying resource records that have moved zones, the new zone of the resource record must be deployed to the same DNS/DHCP Server as the previous zone that the resource record was deployed to. You cannot deploy the resource record if the new zone is deployed to a different DNS/DHCP Server.


Code Description

Type: string

Returns a token string value of the deployment task.