GET /v1/getNextAvailableIPRange - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager API Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity


Returns an APIEntity object representing the next available (unused) block or network within a configuration or block.


Name Description

Location: query

Type: integer (int64)

The object ID of the parent object under which the next available range resides.

Location: query

Type: string

The string containing the following properties and values:
  • reuseExistingTrue or False. This Boolean value indicates whether to search existing empty networks to find the available IP range of specified size.
  • isLargerAllowedTrue or False. This Boolean value indicates whether to return larger networks than those specified with the sizeparameter.
  • autoCreateTrue or False. This Boolean value indicates whether the next available IP range should be created in the parent object if it does not exist.
  • traversalMethod —This parameter identifies the appropriate search algorithm to find the suitable object. The possible values are:
    • TraversalMethodology.NO_TRAVERSAL NO_TRAVERSAL —will attempt to find the next range directly under the specified parent object. It will not search through to the lower level objects.
    • TraversalMethodology.DEPTH_FIRST DEPTH_FIRST —will attempt to find the next range under the specified object by iteratively through its children one by one. After exploring the object recursively for its child ranges, it will move to the next child object.
    • TraversalMethodology.BREADTH_FIRST BREADTH_FIRST —will attempt to find the next range under the specified object by iterative levels. It will first find the range immediately below the specified parent object. If not found, then it will attempt to find the range under all the first child objects.

Location: query

Type: integer (int64)

The size of the range, expressed as a power of 2 (integer exponent).

Location: query

Type: string

The type of range object to be fetched. This must be one of the constants listed in Object types (Currently supported: IP4Block, IP4Network).


Code Description

Type: APIEntity

Returns an APIEntity object representing the existing next available IPv4 range or, if the next available IP range does not exist and autoCreate was set to true, the newly created IPv4 range.