Address types - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Address Manager uses different icons to show the state and functionality of different types of IP addresses.

Icon Address Type Description
Unassigned addresses Appear as white icons. These addresses are available and unassigned.
Network ID and broadcast addresses Appear as red icons. These addresses are usually the first and last addresses in the network, respectively.
Gateway addresses Appear as orange icons. These addresses are network gateway (router) addresses.
Static addresses Appear as blue icons. These addresses are statically assigned hosts and are only used for DNS purposes.
Reserved addresses Appear as green icons. These addresses are reserved for future use. While reserved, the address can't be assigned a DNS host name and can't be deployed to DHCP.
DHCP assigned addresses Appear as blue icons with a dot. These addresses are dynamically assigned through DHCP to the given MAC address.
DHCP unassigned address Appear as white icons with a dot. These addresses are part of a DHCP range, but haven't yet been assigned to a host.
DHCP free addresses Appear as white icons with a dot and information symbol. These addresses were dynamically assigned through DHCP but are now in a free or unallocated state.
DHCP reserved addresses Appear as green icons with a dot. These addresses represent DHCP reservations, and may not yet be assigned to a host. These addresses can be inside or outside of a DHCP range.
DHCP excluded addresses Appear as white icons with a dot and error symbol. These addresses will not be assigned dynamically from a Windows DHCP server.
DHCP abandoned addresses Appear as blue icons with a dot and red marker. These addresses were assigned by the DHCP server and marked as abandoned when either one of the following cases occur:
  • The client sends a DHCP Discover to obtain a new lease but the IP address that the DHCP server is trying to offer already exists in the network. When the DHCP server receives a ping from the IP address, the DHCP server marks the IP address as abandoned.
  • The client declines the IP address offered by the DHCP server by sending a DHCP Decline.