Reference: Event level subscriptions - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

The following table lists event level subscriptions.

  • Application—events related to the operation of the Address Manager software.
    Notification Description
    Error Unknown SMTP Host.

    Cannot open connection.

    Could not execute JDBC batch update.

    Error: deadlock detected.


    entity can't be null.

    Parameter fieldName must not be null.


    Row was updated or deleted or deleted by another transaction.

    Session lock cookie already set.

    Session lock not found.

    Write failure.


    Warning You do not have access to carry out that action on this entity.


  • Deployment Service—events related to deploying data to servers managed by Address Manager.
    Notification Description
    Success DNS deployment succeeded.

    DHCP deployment succeeded.

    Warning DNS wasn't deployed.

    DHCP wasn't deployed.

    Failed DNS deployment failed: Exception occurred during server deployment.

    DHCP deployment failed: Exception occurred during server deployment.

    DNS deployment failed: Cannot connect to server.

    DHCP deployment failed: Cannot connect to server.

    Invalid A syntax error was detected in the deployment data.
    Note: Not deployed refers to servers that don't contain the proper DNS/DHCP role but have been selected to deploy a service.


  • Data Check Service—events related to the Data Checker service as it reviews data within configurations.
    Notification Description
    Error One of the Data Checker error rules has been detected or triggered. For complete details on Data Checker Rules, refer to Address Manager Data Checker Rules.


  • DHCP Alert Service—events triggered by the DHCP Alert Settings.
    Notification Description
    Info HD-ratio became normal.
    Warning HD-ratio became high.


  • Migration Service—events related to migrating information into Address Manager
    Notification Description
    Info Migration Started.

    Migration Finished.

    Error Error while parsing file.


  • Database Maintenance Service—events related to the Database Replication, History Archive and Purge, Database Cleaner, Database Re-index, and Transaction History Writing functions.
    Notification Description
    Info Database replication break performed.

    Database replication configuration/reconfiguration completed.

    Latency for Standby server [<hostname>,<IP address>] has reached <latency> which is below the warning threshold <configured warning threshold> seconds.

    Latency for Standby server [<hostname>,<IP address>] has reached <latency> which exceeds warning threshold <configured warning threshold> seconds.

    Standby server <server> changed from Not Replicating to Replicating.

    History Archive and Purge Task Started.

    History Archive and Purge Task Finished.

    Launching Transaction History Writing Mule...

    Transaction History Writing Mule was launched successfully.

    Warning Issue related to database re-indexing, replication, or history archive and purge.

    Standby server <server> changed from Replicating to Not Replicating.

    Latency exceeds configured warning latency threshold.

    Error Database replication configuration/reconfiguration failed.

    Latency for Standby server [<hostname>,<IP address>] has reached <latency> which exceeds critical threshold <configured critical threshold> seconds.

    Latency exceeds configured critical latency threshold.

    History Archive and Purge task failed.

    Transaction History Writing malfunction detected.


  • IP Reconciliation Service—events related to the reconciliation of IP addresses through the IP Reconciliation function.
    Notification Description
    Info Reconciliation service started.

    Reconciliation service finished.

    Error Reconciliation service exception.


  • Monitoring Service—events related to the servers managed by Address Manager through the service.
    Notification Description
    Info Connection problem was resolved.
    Error Cannot connect to server via SNMP.


  • Workflow—events related to workflow requests and approvals.
    Notification Description
    Info Workflow Approved.

    Workflow Denied.

    Workflow Request.

    Warning A warning related to a workflow request or approval.
    Error An error related to a workflow request or approval.


  • xHA—events related to the function of servers in an xHA pair.
    Notification Description
    Info xHA server <server-name> failed over manually.


  • DNSSEC Auto Generate Key Service—events related to the automatic generation of DNSSEC Zone Signing Keys and Key Signing Keys.
    Notification Description
    Warning DNSSEC Auto Generate Key Service (A newly generated key will eventually replace a key that's about to expire.)

    This notification contains the object ID of the new key, the name of the zone/block the key belongs to, and the DNSKEY record data corresponding to this key.

    Error DNSSEC service encounters an error related fetching keys that are about to expire, or while generating new keys.


  • Notification Service—events related to notifications.
    Notification Description
    Warning Records notification events when a host record didn't have a parent network.


  • Report Scheduler—events related to the automatic generation of scheduled reports.
    Notification Description
    Success A scheduled report is executed and sent via email notification to all users without any issues.
    Warning A scheduled report is executed successfully but email notification fails for some users.

    This notification contains a list of users who didn't successfully receive the scheduled report email.

    Failed A scheduled report fails or email notification fails for all users.


  • Update—events related to applying patches to Address Manager and DNS/DHCP Servers.
    Notification Description
    Info The patch update started.

    The patch update finished.

    Error Errors related to:
    • Validity of the patch files
    • Disk space check for DNS/DHCP Servers only


  • Deployment Data Validation Services—events related to validating DNS deployment data on BDDS without deploying data.
    Notification Description
    Warning The F5 cache wasn't cleared.
    Invalid A syntax error was detected in the deployment data.


  • Datamining Service—events related to collecting data from Address Manager database for visualization.
    Notification Description
    Info Started to collect data visualization. Finished collecting for visualization.
    Error An error occurred collecting data.


  • System Maintenance—events related to the maintenance of BAM and BDDS system.
    Notification Description
    Info Updated password for application user, system user, and enable/disable the Update System Passwords through API check box.
    Warning Updated password for application user or system user with varying warning messages.
    Error Failed to update password for application user or system user.


  • Trust Relationship Management Service—events related to establishing trust relationships between Address Manager servers.
    Notification Description
    Info Successfully established or removed a trust relationship with varying informational messages.
    Warning Established or removed a trust relationship with varying warning messages.
    Error Failed to establish or remove a trust relationship with varying error messages.


  • Apply IPv4 Template—events related to IPv4 Templates.
    Notification Description
    Info Information messages about applying IPv4 templates.


  • SSO and OAuth Management Service—events related to certificates with the SSO and OAuth configurations.
    Notification Description
    Warning Varying warning messages related to SSO and OAuth certificates.
    Error Varying error messages related to SSO and OAuth certificates.


  • DHCP States Refresh—events related to refreshing DHCP lease states.
    Notification Description
    Info Informational messages related to refreshing DHCP lease states.