Creating an HSM configuration - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

How to create an HSM configuration in Address Manager.

Zone signing with DNSSEC-HSM requires the creation of an HSM configuration in Address Manager. An HSM configuration manages HSM servers and HSM linked objects (such as the DNSSEC-HSM signing policy), while standard Address Manager configurations allow you to globally manage IPAM, DNS, DHCP, and Servers.

Note: Address Manager supports only one HSM configuration on the system.

To create an HSM configuration:

  1. Log in to Address Manager as the administrator. By default, the username and password are admin.
  2. Select the Administration tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Administration page.
  3. Under General, click HSM Configurations.
  4. Click New HSM Configuration.
  5. Under HSM Configuration, complete the following:
    • Name—enter a name for your HSM configuration.
    • Key Provider—from the drop-down menu, select Thales HSM.
  6. Under Change Control, add comments, if required.
  7. Click Add.
Your HSM configuration has been created. Address Manager returns you to the HSM configuration information page. New sections appear on the HSM configuration information page: Security World Configuration and Join Security World
After creating an HSM configuration, you must now add an HSM server(s) to that HSM configuration.