Use change requests to manage the creation of network, resource records, zones, and IP address assignments. Workflow permissions are assigned to users along with access rights.
- None—the user isn't affected by the change request process and can create networks, resource records, zones, and IP address assignments. Users with the None level can't access or work with workflow change requests.
- Recommend—when the user creates, edits, or deletes a network, resource record, zone, or IP address assignment, Address Manager creates a change request for the object. The change request must be approved before the object is actually created, edited, or deleted. Users with the Recommend level can review their change requests.
- Approve—the user can approve change requests made by other users. Users with the Approve level can create, edit, or delete networks, resource records, zones, and IP address assignments.
For information about assigning access rights and workflow levels, refer to Access rights. Users who are assigned the workflow level of Recommend create a change request each time they add, edit, or delete a network, resource record, zone, or IP address.
- Configurations
- DNS views
- DNS zones
- Resource records
- External host records
- IPv4 blocks
- IPv4 networks
- IPv4 addresses
When the administrator or a user with the Approve workflow level approves a request, the requested object is created in Address Manager. When a request is denied, the object isn't created. Users can view approved and denied requests, and they can be notified of workflow events through notification groups. For instructions about configuring notification groups, refer to Managing notification groups.