Troubleshooting - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

The following table lists some common error messages in the BAM user interface and BDDS Administrative Console you might encounter while using Gateway Service on BDDS in Address Manager v9.3.0.

Error Message Solution
BAM UI: "Failed to pull image."
  • Check the repository URL/file path, image tag
  • Check username and password
BAM UI: "Could not resolve the Gateway repository server."
  • Configure DNS Resolver on BDDS
  • Open necessary ports in BDDS firewall rules (usually port 80)
BAM UI: "Gateway Status UNKNOWN."
  • A temporary status while initializing Docker and instantiating the container
  • Wait for a minute and refresh the page; Gateway status should change to RUNNING
SSH: "Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?"
  • Docker isn't running because Gateway Service is disabled
  • You might encounter this when loading an image directly to BDDS
  • To start Docker, run systemctl start docker