Viewing DNS/DHCP Server logs - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Address Manager provides access to several logs the record server operation. Server logs are accessible from the View Logs function in the object name menu.

To view DNS/DHCP Server logs:

  1. From the configuration drop-down menu, select a configuration.
  2. Select the Servers tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
  3. Under Servers, click a server name. The Details tab for the server opens.
  4. Click the server name menu and select View Logs.
  5. From the Log File drop-down menu, select the type of log to view:
    • Command Server—the command server is the application running on DNS/DHCP Servers that controls deployment and all other connections to it. The log lists events that are directly related to the command server.
    • DNS—a filtered view of the system log displaying events related to DNS.
    • System—information about the central functions on the DNS/DHCP Server including DNS and DHCP data.
    • Update—contains information about updates applied to the DNS/DHCP Server.
    • DHCP—a filtered view of the system log displaying events related to DHCP.
    • DNS Validation—information from the DNS deployment validation process performed on data deployed to the server.
    • Zone Validation—information from the DNS zone deployment validation process performed on data deployed to the server.
    • DHCP Validation—information from the DHCP validation process performed on data deployed to the server.
  6. In the Number of lines fields, select the number of lines you want to view. Select the radio button beside the text field and enter a value between 10 and 50,000 in the text field, or select the radio button beside the drop-down menu and select a value from the list.
  7. Click View.
  8. To save the text of the log, select and copy the text in the Contents section. Paste the text into a text editor or word processor and save the file.