How to add a TFTP folder to a previously created TFTP group.
To add TFTP folders to a TFTP group:
- From the configuration drop-down menu, select a configuration.
- Select the TFTP tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you are on the Configuration information page.
- Under TFTP Groups, click a TFTP group. The Folders/Files tab for the TFTP group appears.
Choose one of the following steps:
- To add a folder:
- Under Folder/Files, click New and select TFTP Folder.
- In the Folder Name field, type the name of the TFTP folder. We recommend that you don't use spaces in the folder name.
- To add a file:
- click a folder name (optional) and under Folder/Files or Sub Folder/Files, click New and select TFTP File.
- Under General, define the TFTP
file in these fields:
- File Name—type the filename for the TFTP file. We recommend that you not use spaces in the file name.
- Version—type a value to indicate the version of the file.
- Description—type a description of the file.
- Load—click Choose
File and select the file on your local
workstation.Note: The file must be smaller than 100 MB. A warning message appears if you attempt to upload a file 100 MB or larger in size.
- To move files or folders:
- Under Folders/Files, select the check box for one or more files or folders, and click Action then select Move Selected.
- Under Destination, click Select Destination
- Click the TFTP group names and TFTP folder names to move down through the group and folder hierarchy. Click Back to move up through the group and folder hierarchy.
- Select the radio button for the group or folder to which you want to move the items, then click Select. The selected destination appears under Destination. To change the destination, click Remove.
- To add a folder:
- Under Change Control, add comments, if required.
- Click Add or click Add Next.