Creating naming policy values - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

A naming policy value is an individual part of a resource record name, such as a specific character, an incremented number, a number or text entered by the user, or a value selected from the predefined list. You use one or more naming policy values to create a naming policy.

Attention: You must create naming policy values before you can create a naming policy.

To create a naming policy value:

  1. Select the Administration tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Administration page.
  2. Under General, click Naming Policy Management.
  3. Click the Naming Policy Values tab.
  4. In the Naming Policy Value section, click New.
  5. Under General, enter a descriptive name for the policy value in the Name field.
    Note: When editing a naming policy value, you can change the value but can't change the name of the value.
  6. From the drop-down menu, select a value type. New fields appear depending on the type of value. The following types are available:
    • Connector—a character used to separate elements in a filename; typically, - (hyphen) or _ (underscore) are used. When selected, this field appears:
      • Connector—type one or more characters in the Connector field.
    • Incremental—an automatically incremented numeric value. You can use incremental values to number names sequentially or to generate unique values to ensure that names are unique. When selected, these fields appear:
      • Incremental Role—select Counter to make the value a sequential counter, or select Unique Name to use the value to ensure that names are unique. When you select Counter, the value starts at a specified value and increments each time the naming policy creates a name. When you select Unique Name, the value increments only to ensure that generated names are unique.
      • When you select Unique Name, a Reuse missing values check box appears. When the check box is selected, the naming policy re-uses numeric values if they're available. For example, a value may be used to create a name for a host record; when the host record is deleted, the value is again available for use. When not selected, the Unique Name value always creates a new numeric value, and values that have been deleted aren't re-used.
      • Increment Type—select a number system for the incremental value: Decimal or Hexadecimal.
      • Start—type the starting value for the incremental value.
      • Increment—type the amount by which to increment the value each time it's used.
      • Padding Type—select Simple to pad the incremental value with a fixed number of leading zeros, or select Global to pad the incremental value with leading zeros to make the entire name generated by the policy a specific length. For example, simple padding with a Length of 4 produces a four-digit number padded with leading zeros. Global padding with a length of 30 produces an overall name length of 30 characters with the incremental value padded out with as many zeros as needed to make the name total length 30 characters.
        • Length—appears when you select a padding type. For simple padding, type a value to determine how many digits are used for the incremental value. For global padding, type a value to determine the overall length of the name generated by the naming policy.
    • Integer—a numeric value. You can limit the number to a range. When selected, these fields appear:
      • Range Start—type the start value for the numeric range.
      • Range End—type the end value for the numeric range. When set to zero (0), the range is unbounded.
    • Required—a list of predefined values presented to the user as a drop-down list. You can create the list with user-friendly display names and separate values, and you can order the items in the list. When selected, these fields and buttons appear:
      • Display Name same as Value—when selected, the display name and value for items in the list will be the same. When not selected, you can specify display names and values. Select this option when the values in the list are self-explanatory. For example, if you want to list the proper names of cities and insert the proper name into the naming policy, select this option to create a list of proper names. What the user sees in the naming policy drop-down list is what will be inserted into the generated name. Clear this option when you need a descriptive name for abstract values. For example, if you want to list the proper names of cities, but insert an abbreviation of the names into the naming policy, create a list of proper display names and abbreviated values. The user is presented with a list of proper names, but the abbreviation of the name is inserted into the generated name.
      • Display Name—a descriptive name for the value in a list. This text appears to users when creating a name with the naming policy. Type a descriptive name for the value.
      • Value—the value to be inserted into the name created by the naming policy. Type the value.
        Note: When using the Required value type, the Value to be inserted into the name of the naming policy must not exceed 63 characters. A value exceeding 63 characters might prevent creation of resource records with the linked naming policy.
      • Click Add to add the item to the value list. Select an item in the list and click Move Up or Move Down to move the item up or down in the list. Click Remove to remove an item from the list.
    • Text—a string of text. You can set minimum and maximum length requirements for the string or can enforce content with a regular expression.
      • Minimum Length—type a value to determine the shortest string allowed in the name. When set to zero (0), the text string is optional.
      • Maximum Length—type a value to determine the longest string allowed in the name. When set to zero (0), the range is unbounded.
      • Regular Expression—type a regular expression to restrict the text string.
  7. Under Change Control, add comments, if required.
  8. Click Add.