Disabling a DNS Edge Service Point v3 instance - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Disable the Edge service point on a DNS/DHCP server to stop the service point from processing the DNS client traffic pointed at the service point IPv4 address.

If configured, the DNS/DHCP Server’s DNS service will be momentarily unavailable if you disable the service point. The DNS/DHCP Server's non-DNS functions remain entirely unaffected by disabling the service point.

  • Removing a service point enabled DNS/DHCP Server from Address Manager control using the set state no-proteus-control command does not disable the Edge service point service. To stop the service point from processing DNS queries, you must follow the steps below.
    Note: If you add a previously removed DNS/DHCP Server under Address Manager control, the service point configuration will display in the configuration page of the DNS Edge service point.
  • If you select the Reset services on remote DNS/DHCP Server option on the Replace Servers page, the service point remains configured and enabled. This applies if the service point was enabled on the DNS/DHCP Server. To disable the service point from processing DNS queries, you must perform the steps in this section.

To disable a service point that you have configured on a DNS/DHCP Server:

  1. Select the Servers tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
  2. Under Servers, click a server name.
  3. Click the server name menu and select Service Configuration.
  4. From the Service Type drop-down menu, select Edge service point.
  5. Under Edge service point Settings, deselect the Enable Edge service point Service check box.
  6. Click Update.
  7. On the Confirm Delete page, acknowledge the warning and click Delete to disable the service point service.
    Note: Disabling the service point service removes all artifacts from the configuration in Address Manager. This includes the customer instance URL, the site ID, service point IP address, and the access key set.

    In the DNS Edge user interface, the disabled service point will still display in the corresponding site's DISCONNECTED section:

To re-enable the service point:

If you wish to re-enable the service point at any point, follow the same steps described in Configuring a DNS Edge Service Point v3 instance. Once the service point succesfully initializes, it will display in the corresponding site's CONNECTED section in the DNS Edge user interface, above the ID of the previously disabled service point.