Setting the logging level - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

How to set the logging levels.

To set the logging level for server.log and zonetransfers.log:

  1. From the Log Management page, select the Server Logs tab.
  2. Under Log Levels, select an option from the Address Manager level and zone import log level drop-down menus:
    • Off—all logging is turned off.
    • Fatal—severe errors that caused the application or a service to stop.
    • Error—errors that occurred, but didn't stop the application or service.
    • Warn—conditions that may cause an error or that are unexpected.
    • Info—general information on normal system events.
    • Debug—detailed information on system events
    • Trace—highly detailed information on system events.
    • All—all logging is turned on.
Your changes will be saved automatically.
Note: A limitation exists in current Address Manager versions where setting the Address Manager log level to “Debug” will revert back to the default “Warn” level after several minutes of activity in other areas of the Address Manager user interface.