Performing quick deployment - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Use Quick Deploy to instantly deploy changes that the current user has made to DNS resource records since the last full or quick deployment.

  • The Quick Deploy function is always available to Address Manager administrators. To make the function available to non-administrators, you need to assign the option to a user or user group as an access right. For more information on assigning access rights, refer to Access rights.
  • You must add at least one server to Address Manager and add a primary DNS deployment role in order to access the Quick Deploy function.
  • You can Quick Deploy to multiple servers, views, and zones.
  • Though the Quick Deploy function is selected from individual zones and networks, if the user has made resource record changes to other zones and networks configured with the same primary server, those changes will also be deployed to the server. Review the Confirm Server Quick Deploy page after selecting Quick Deploy to confirm pending changes from all zones and networks before proceeding.
  • Only changes made by the user will be deployed. Changes made by other users will not be deployed, even if they have been made on the same zone or network as the changes from the Quick Deploy user.
Note: If forward and reverse DNS zones are on separate servers Quick Deploy won't deploy to both servers. This is normal behavior in Address Manager. If your configuration contains forward and reverse zones on separate servers, you can perform another Quick Deploy under the subnet as a workaround.

To perform a quick deployment:

  1. From the configuration drop-down menu, select a configuration.
  2. Select the DNS tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
  3. Under DNS Views, click the name of a DNS view. The Top Level Domains section opens.
  4. In the Top Level Domains section, click the name of a top level domain. The Sub Zones section opens.
  5. In the Sub Zones section, click the name of a DNS zone. The Resource Records tab for the DNS zone opens.
  6. Click Action and select Quick Deploy. The Confirm Server Quick Deploy page opens:
    • The Confirm Server Quick Deploy section lists the server or servers to which the changes will be deployed.
    • The Show Resource Records section lists the resource records to be deployed:
      • Parent—displays the server to which the resource record will be deployed
      • Resource Record—displays the resource record data, including its object ID, name, record type, record data, and time to live value
      • Operation—displays the operation to be performed on the record, either add, update, or delete
  7. Click Yes.
    Note: If there are no changed records to deploy, a message opens in the Show Resource Records section to indicate that no records need to be deployed.

    If Address Manager determines that it must perform a full deployment to properly apply your changes, a message opens in the Show Resource Records section to indicate that differential deployment isn't available.

    To return to the Resource Records tab, click No.

    For instructions on how to view the status of all active deployments, refer to Tracking deployment.