Adding a user-defined field (UDF) - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

You can add an unlimited number of user-defined fields to an object. Fields can be required or optional, can be made searchable, and can be validated through simple data-checking rules. Supported data types include text, date, Boolean, integer, long integer, email address, and URL.

To add a new user-defined field:

  1. Select the Administration tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Administration page.
  2. Under Data Management, click Object Types.
  3. Click on an object category, and then click an object type.
  4. Under Fields, click New.
  5. Under General, set the following parameters:
    • Name—type a name to be used by the Address Manager database. This name can't contain spaces.
    • Display Name—type a user-friendly name. This name appears to users in the Address Manager user interface.
    • Type—select a data type: Text, Date, Boolean, Integer, Long (integer), Email Address, URL, or Workflow.
    • Hide From Search—when selected, the Search function won't search the information in this field.
    • Require Value—when selected, users must enter data in the field when creating or editing the object to which the field applies.

    For more UDF name best practices, see Best practices for UDF and UDL names

  6. Under Pre-Defined Values, create preset values:
    • Default Value—type a value in the field. When using preset values, the default value must be one of the items from the list in the Pre-Defined Values section.
      Note: When the Workflow UDF type is selected, enter a default label into the optional Default Label field. The default label entered into this field must be a label listed in the chart.
    • Value—type a value and click Add. The value is added to the list.
      Note: When the Workflow UDF is selected, at least one pre-defined value consisting of a label and a URL must be added.
    • Remove—select a value from the list and click Remove. The item is removed from the list.
    • Move up and Move down—select a value from the list and click Move up or Move down to move the value higher or lower in the list. When using the field, values are presented in the order in which you set them in the list.
  7. Under Advanced, set the validation properties. The validation properties help ensure that users enter valid data into the field. For object types that can take multiple properties, separate each property with a “,” comma.

    This section won't be available for the Boolean and Workflow object type.

    Object Type Validation Properties
    Text Minimum and maximum length. For example: minLength=0, maxLength=10
    Date Any standard ISO date pattern can be specified and all UDF values must match the specified date pattern. For example: pattern=yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
    Integer Minimum and maximum values. For example: min=3, max=1000
    Long Minimum and maximum values. For example: min=3, max=1000
    Email Address Minimum and maximum length and format. For example: minLength=0, maxLength=10, pattern=**. The wildcard characters supported are * and ?.
    URL Minimum and maximum length. For example: minLength=0, maxLength=10
  8. Under Change Control, add comments, if required.
  9. Click Add.