Adding a VLAN interface - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Add a VLAN interface and configure it with an IP address. You must also set a VLAN ID and a parent interface (either eth0 or bond0).

Note: The VLAN ID can be a one to four digit number. The maximum number allowed is 4095.
Note: Manually restart DHCP service after adding VLAN interfaces

Currently, a known issue exists whereby DHCP service won't listen on any newly added VLAN interfaces. As a workaround, you must manually restart DHCP service from the Address Manager user interface. For details, refer to Starting, stopping, and restarting DHCP service.

For more information on this issue, refer to article 15300 on BlueCat Customer Care.

To add a VLAN interface and configure it with an IP address:

  1. From Main Session mode, type configure interfaces and press ENTER.
  2. Type add vlan-interface vlan-id <VLAN-ID> parent <eth0|bond0> and press ENTER.
    Adonis> configure interfaces
    Adonis:configure:interfaces> add vlan-interface vlan-id 1 parent eth0
    The VLAN interface is immediately added and the prompt changes to show you are now configuring the VLAN interface (for example, eth0.1).
  3. OPTIONAL: Add an IP address to the VLAN interface with add address <ipv4|ipv6address/CIDR>
  4. OPTIONAL (must have completed step 3): Set the newly added IP address as the primary address by typing set primary <ipv4|ipv6address> and press ENTER.
    • Press Spacebar or Tab after set primary to view a list of available addresses.
    • There can be one primary IPv4 address and one primary IPv6 address.
  5. OPTIONAL: Type set active <on|off> and press ENTER to enable or disable the VLAN interface.
  6. Type save and press ENTER. The Administration Console saves your settings.
  7. Type exit and press ENTER until you return to Main Session mode.
  8. Type show interfaces and press ENTER to verify that the VLAN interface has been added.
Adonis> show interfaces
    IPv4 Addresses
    Active = on
    IPv4 Addresses (Primary)
    Active = on
    Active = off
    Active = off
Dedicated Management = Disabled
Management Interface = eth0.1
Service Interface = eth0.1