Reference: DHCPv6 Service options - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

This section lists the DHCPv6 Service options that can be configured in Address Manager.

Note: As there is no DHCPv6 service option for Allow MAC Pools, instant deployment for changes to MAC pool is not supported in IPv6 address ranges.
DHCPv6 Service option Description
Default Lease Time Specifies the default lease time that will be offered to DHCP clients.
Client Updates Indicates whether client updates should be used to maintain DDNS records for this client. When selected, the client updates its own DNS record on the server. When not selected, the DHCP server performs the update. This option is required for DHCP to perform DDNS updates.
DDNS Domain Name Specifies the domain name appended to this client’s hostname to form the fully-qualified DNS name that will be dynamically updated by the DHCP server.
DDNS Host Name Specifies the hostname that should be used in setting up the client’s A and PTR records. If no value is specified, the server will creates a host name automatically, using an algorithm that varies for the different update methods.
  • Type—select the type to be used as part of a DDNS host name value: Client DUID or IP Address.
  • Concat—specify data value that will be used to be prepended to the Client DUID or IP address to form the DDNS host name.
DDNS TTL Specifies the default TTL for DDNS records, specified as an integer value from 0 to 4,294,967,295 seconds. The values can be set in seconds, minutes, hours or days.
DDNS Updates Indicates whether the server should attempt a DDNS update when the lease is confirmed.
Update Conflict Detection When this option is enabled, the server will perform standard DHCID multiple-client, one-name conflict detection. The default behaviour when this option is enabled is that clients who do not match the "guard" record are not allowed to update or remove the DNS entry by DHCP, even if they have the same hostname (this assumes DDNS Guard ID Must Match is enabled, and DDNS Other Guard Is Dynamic is disabled). This option is enabled by default.
Attention: You must only configure the Update Conflict Detection Service option at the configuration and server levels.
Do Reverse Updates Controls whether or not DHCP performs reverse DNS updates for clients. When this option isn't present, servers perform reverse updates by default. Use this option when you want to disable reverse updates.
  • When this option is present and the Enabled check box is selected, the selected server performs reverse updates. This is the equivalent of this option not being present.
  • When this option is present and the Enabled check box is not selected, the selected server doesn't perform reverse updates.
DDNS Guard ID Must Match Defines whether a client ID within a DHCID resource record must match the client ID of a DNS update to permit DNS entries associated to that DHCID resource record to be overwritten. Exercise caution if disabling this option, as disabling this option allows any DNS updater to replace DNS entries that have an associated DHCID resource record regardless of client identity. The default value is enabled.
  • The DDNS Guard ID Must Match Service option is only configurable at the configuration, server group, and server levels.
  • You must enable Update Conflict Detection before enabling this option.
DDNS Other Guard Is Dynamic Defines whether the presence of a DHCID "guard" record that was produced using a different DDNS update style allows a DNS entry to be overwritten. Exercise caution when enabling this option, as this option can result in entries that would otherwise be protected as static to be overwritten. The default value is disabled.
  • The DDNS Other Guard Is Dynamic Service option is only configurable at the configuration, server group, and server levels.
  • You must enable DDNS Dual Stack Mixed Mode before enabling this option.
DDNS Dual Stack Mixed Mode Defines whether a server operates in DSMM and whether DSMM rules are applied for DDNS conflict resolution. The default value is disabled.
  • The DDNS Dual Stack Mixed Mode Service option is only configurable at the configuration, server group, and server levels.
  • You must enable Update Conflict Detection before enabling this option.
DDNS Update Style

Defines the DDNS update style when a DHCP server performs a DDNS update for a client. When the DHCP server performs a DDNS update for the client, an additional "guard" (either TXT or DHCID) record is added to DNS to record the DHCID of the client that owns the DNS entry. The update style can be either standard or interim. DHCP servers using standard update style create DHCID "guard" records and servers using interim update style create TXT "guard" records.

When configuring a Dual-Stack Mixed Mode (DSMM) environment, use this option to ensure that the type of guard record remains the same for a given protocol. The DHCP server offering IPv4 leases must have a different update style than the DHCP server offering IPv6 leases. The default setting is interim.

  • The DDNS Update Style Service option is only configurable at the configuration, server group, and server levels.
Server Preference Informs a DHCPv6 client which server is preferred for use on a given subnet. This option is only applied during the initial stages of configuration. After a client bound to an IA, it will remain bound to that IA until it's no longer valid or has expired.
Preferred Lifetime Specifies the length of preferred time before a valid address is deprecated.
Rapid Commit Signals the use of the two-message exchange for address assignment. Both DHCP server and client need to be configured to use this option.
Limit Addresses Per IA Defines how many IPv6 addresses the DHCPv6 server will permit a specific client to hang onto at a time. The default setting is 1.