Deployment options - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity
Object Type Description
Default DHCP Service Option Represents DHCP Service options.
Default v4 DHCP Client Option Represents DHCP IPv4 Client options.
Default v6 DHCP Client Option Represents DHCP IPv6 Client options.
DHCP Custom Option Definition Represents custom DHCP options.
Default Client Option The parent for Default IPv4 DHCP Client option and Default IPv6 DHCP Client option objects. Changes made here are inherited by child objects.
DHCP Vendor Client Option Represents a DHCP vendor Client option. DHCP vendor Client options are specific to DHCP vendor profiles.
DHCPv4 Raw Option Represents custom-defined DHCP options that are not supported as client or Service options within the Address Manager user interface.
DNS Raw Option Represents custom-defined DNS options that are not supported as client or Service options within the Address Manager user interface.
Generic DNS Option Represents a generic DNS option other than the DNS Raw option.
Service Option Represents a generic object related to deployment options. Changes made here are inherited by Default DHCP Service option, DHCP Default Client option, DHCP Raw option, DHCP Vendor Client option, Generic DNS option, and Start of Authority objects.
Start of Authority Represents a DNS Start of Authority record.