Monitoring notification processing - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

When a BDDS processes an operation, such as releasing an IP address through DHCP or performing a DNS update operation from another primary DNS server, BDDS sends a notification file to Address Manager where it is processed by BAM and reflected in the database. If the BAM server can't process the notification file immediately, the notification file is stored on BAM until BAM can process the update. However, accumulation of these notification files consumes disk space on BAM and can cause the DNS/DHCP Server to go further out of sync with BAM, resulting in incorrect information being presented on BAM.

Monitoring notification processing using SNMP

When monitoring notification file processing on BAM using SNMP, BlueCat recommends polling the following SNMP Objects.

Each BlueCat-specific BAM MIB (management information base) OID (object identifier) begins with the following prefix of network management object identifiers:


That represent

Note: The following table is not an exhaustive list of available SNMP MIBs. For more information of all SNMP MIBs available in BAM, refer to Address Manager polled objects .
SNMP Object OID Access Description
.backlogSize .   Notification backlog size container
.NotificationDistributionTable .   Information about the notification backlog size. The objects returns a table that contains notifications in the backlog including the count, the IP address of the source DNS/DHCP Server, the type of notification, the category of the notification, and the state of the notification.
.distributionTableEntry . Not-accessible Information about notification entry container
Attention: The SNMP service must be configured to use SNMP version v2c or v3 to receive information from this OID.
.count . Read-only Number of notifications
Attention: The SNMP service must be configured to use SNMP version v2c or v3 to receive information from this OID.
.bddsServerID . Not-accessible Server ID of the source DNS/DHCP Server
Attention: The SNMP service must be configured to use SNMP version v2c or v3 to receive information from this OID.
.serviceType . Not-accessible Type of notification. The type can be one of the following:
  • DNS
  • DHCP
Attention: The SNMP service must be configured to use SNMP version v2c or v3 to receive information from this OID.
.serviceAction . Not-accessible Category of the notification type. The category can be the following based on the notification type:
  • add
  • remove
  • update
  • active
  • free
  • backup
  • expired
  • abandoned
Attention: The SNMP service must be configured to use SNMP version v2c or v3 to receive information from this OID.
.state . Not-accessible State of the notification. The state can be one of the following:
  • received
  • succeeded
  • failed
  • discarded
Attention: The SNMP service must be configured to use SNMP version v2c or v3 to receive information from this OID.
.fileSystemFootprint . Read-only Total size of the notification backlog (in kilobytes)
Attention: The SNMP service must be configured to use SNMP version v2c or v3 to receive information from this OID.
.notificationServiceStartTime . Read-only Start time of the notification service
Attention: The SNMP service must be configured to use SNMP version v2c or v3 to receive information from this OID.