Configuring DNS deployment roles for BIG-IP DNS Servers - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Add a primary DNS deployment role to a managed DNS/DHCP Server and a secondary DNS deployment role to a BIG-IP DNS Server.

Prior to completing the following task, ensure you have already added a BIG-IP DNS Server to Address Manager and configured it with a listener interface (listener).
Note: If you change the name of a DNS zone previously deployed to an F5 configuration from Address Manager, or delete a previously deployed DNS zone, you must force a full DNS deployment in order for the changes to take effect in the F5 pool.

To configure DNS deployment roles for BIG-IP DNS Servers:

  1. Add a primary DNS deployment role to a managed DNS/DHCP Server or xHA pair:
    • From the view or zone level, click the Deployment Roles tab.
    • Under Deployment Roles, click New and select DNS Role.
    • From the Type drop-down menu, select Primary.
    • Click Select Server Interface and click the name of the DNS/DHCP Server or xHA pair then select its interface.
    • Under Name server record, select the time-to-live value for name server and glue records that are deployed via deployment roles.
    • Click Add.
  2. Add a secondary DNS deployment role to the BIG-IP DNS Server:
    • From the view or zone level, click the Deployment Roles tab.
    • Under Deployment Roles, click New and select DNS Role.
    • From the Type drop-down menu, select Secondary.
    • Click Select Server Interface and click the name of the BIG-IP DNS Server.
    • Select the radio button for the Listener interface (Listener).
    • Under Zone Transfers, click Select Server Interface and click the name of the primary DNS/DHCP Server, then select its server interface.
    • Click Add.
    For complete information on adding DNS deployment roles, refer to Adding DNS deployment roles.
  3. Deploy DNS to the primary DNS/DHCP Server or xHA pair.

    DNS deployment will automatically clear the DNS cache on the BIG-IP DNS Server. If deployment fails, the DNS cache won't clear. If deployment is successful but clearing the cache fails, the Address Manager Event Log will display the deployment as successful with a warning. In the event that automatically clearing the DNS cache fails, you can manually clear the DNS cache from the F5 Service Configuration page. For details, refer to Clearing the DNS cache of LTM or BIG-IP DNS Servers.

    BIG-IP DNS Server zone name restrictions

    BIG-IP DNS Servers don't allow zone names to have special characters (such as ~!@#$%_) if Domain Validation has been set to Strict in the F5 management interface. Address Manager and DNS/DHCP Server users or administrators must ensure that the zone name to be deployed over the BIG-IP DNS Server complies with these F5 zone name restrictions. In the event that the zone name in Address Manager contains special characters and the BIG-IP DNS Server invalidates the zone name, the corresponding error message will be shown in server logs. For more information on zone name conventions on BIG-IP DNS Servers, refer to the following F5 support articles: