Configuring stub zones - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

How to configure stub zones in Address Manager.

Configuring a stub zone involves the following:

  1. Create an Other DNS server representing the primary DNS server.
  2. Create a zone in Address Manager to represent the authoritative zone.
  3. Assign the Primary deployment role to the external server.
  4. Assign the Stub deployment role to the DNS/DHCP Server hosting the stub zone.

The DNS server hosting the stub zone contacts the primary name server and updates the zone with SOA, NS, and glue records at regular intervals. In this view, the DNS server hosting the stub zone is kept up-to-date of any changes to the name server and glue records.

When a client queries a stub server, the server sends a recursive query to one of the authoritative DNS servers listed in the stub zone. The authoritative server responds to the server hosting the stub zone. The stub server then responds to the client.
Note: Because stub zones require recursion, recursion is automatically enabled when you deploy a configuration with a stub zone.

To assign a stub deployment role:

  1. Click the zone name.
  2. Click the Deployment Roles tab.
  3. Under Deployment Roles, click New and select DNS Role.
  4. From the Type drop-down menu, select Stub.
  5. Click Select Server Interface.
  6. Under Servers, click a server name. The Details tab for the server opens.
  7. Under Server Interfaces, select the radio button for the server interface you want to use.
  8. Click Add. The selected server interface appears in the Server Interface section.
  9. Click Add Next.
  10. From the Type drop-down menu, select Primary.
  11. Click Select Server Interface.
  12. Under Servers, click a server name. The Details tab for the server opens.
  13. Under Server Interfaces, select the radio button for the server interface you want to use.
  14. Click Add. The selected server interface appears in the Server Interface section.
  15. Click Add.