Editing DNS zones - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Edit a DNS zone and edit IP restrictions; you can also set whether or not the zone is deployable.

To edit a DNS zone:

  1. Select the DNS tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
  2. Under DNS Views, click a DNS view. The Zones tab for the view opens.
  3. Under Top Level Domains, click a DNS zone. The Sub Zones tab for the zone opens.
  4. Click the zone name and select Edit.
  5. Under General, select the following options:
    • Deployable—when selected, the zone can be deployed to a server. When not selected, the zone can't be deployed to a server.
    • Dynamic Update—when selected, any resource records that are added, updated, or deleted within the zone will be automatically deployed to the associated primary DNS/DHCP Server of that zone using selective deployment.

      Only resource records modified within the DNS tab of the Address Manager UI, such as within zones and sub zones, and within the Quick Actions widget in the My IPAM tab are automatically deployed to the associated primary DNS/DHCP Server. Resource records that are modified within the IP Space tab , such as within IP networks, are not automatically deployed.

      • You can only select this field when the Deployable field is selected.
      • Once you enable the Dynamic Update feature, you must perform a full DNS deployment before resource record changes are automatically deployed.
      • If you update a deployment option within the zone, a deployment is not performed automatically.
      • If you update a deployment option followed by a resource record change, only the resource record change is deployed. You must perform a manual deployment to deploy the option change.
      • If you are moving resource records from one zone to another and the Dynamic Update feature is enabled on the destination zone, changes related to the resource record move will be automatically deployed to both the source and destination zones. This deployment occurs regardless of whether the Dynamic Update feature is enabled or disabled on the source zone.

        If the destination zone does not have Dynamic Update enabled, changes related to the resource record move will not be automatically deployed.

  6. Under IP Restrictions, set the IP ranges for the zone:
    • Select a block or network from the drop-down list and click Add. The selected item is added to the list of IP Restrictions. All objects created within the view must fall within the blocks and networks in the IP Restrictions list.
    • IPv4 Block—select this option to show IPv4 blocks in the drop-down menu.
    • IPv4 Network—select this option to show IPv4 networks in the drop-down menu.
    • To remove a restriction from the list, click the Remove link beside the restriction.
  7. Under Change Control, add comments, if required.
  8. Click Update.