Viewing server performance metrics for DNS/DHCP Server - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

With monitoring enabled in Address Manager, you can view server performance metrics for your DNS/DHCP Server.

For details on enabling monitoring, refer to Enabling monitoring services for DNS/DHCP Server.

  • You can only view server performance metrics for DNS/DHCP Server.
  • Address Manager retains server performance metrics for up to a year.

To view server performance metrics:

  1. From the configuration drop-down menu, select a configuration.
  2. Select the Servers tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
  3. Under Servers, click a server name. The Details tab for the server opens.
  4. Click the Metrics tab to view BDDS performance statistics.

    • The DNS Queries per Second section shows the number of DNS queries processed by the server:
      • Successful DNS Queries—shows the number of successfully resolved DNS queries
      • Failed DNS Queries—shows the number of DNS queries that weren't successfully resolved
    • The DHCP Leases per Second section shows the number of DHCP leases handed out by the server:
      • Successful DHCP Leases—shows the number of leases handed out by the server
    • The CPU Utilization Percentage section shows CPU processes as a percentage of CPU activity:
      • System CPU—the time spent executing system kernel code
      • User CPU—the time spent executing application code
      • Nice CPU—the time spent executing processes that have had their processing priority altered
      • Idle CPU—the time spent not performing any activity
    • The Memory Utilization Percentage section shows memory usage as a percentage of available real and swap (or disk) memory:
      • Real Memory—shows the percentage of physical memory used.

        Real memory usage is calculated by taking total free memory and cached memory into account. The real memory usage percentage is calculated as follows:

        Total Real Memory Usage Percentage = (Physical-(Free + Cached))/(Physical)

      • Swap Memory—shows the percentage of swap or disk memory used.

        Swap memory usage is calculated by taking total physical memory, free memory, cached memory, and buffer memory into account. The memory usage percentage is calculated as follows:

        Total Swap Memory Usage Percentage = (SwapTotal-SwapFree)/(SwapTotal)

    • The Network Utilization section shows the amount of network traffic through the eth0 interface in kilobytes per second:
      • Outbound Traffic—shows traffic outbound from Address Manager.
      • Inbound Traffic—shows traffic inbound to Address Manager.
    • The Disk Utilization Percentage section shows the amount of disk space used for the following directories:
      • Disk - /—shows the percentage of disk space used in the root directory.
      • Disk - /var—shows the percentage of disk space used in the /var directory.
      • Disk - /boot—shows the percentage of disk space used in the /boot directory.
      • Disk - /data—shows the percentage of disk space used in the /data directory.