Monitoring DNS/DHCP Server health - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

When monitoring BDDS using SNMP, BlueCat recommends polling the following SNMP Objects to monitor the health of the system.


Each BlueCat-specific BDDS MIB (management information base) OID (object identifier) begins with the following prefix of network management object identifiers:


That represent

Note: The following tables are not an exhaustive list of available SNMP MIBs. For more information of all SNMP MIBs available in BDDS, refer to DNS/DHCP Server polled objects .
SNMP Object OID Description
.bcnDhcpv4SerOperState . Current running state of DHCPv4 service:
  • 1—Running
  • 2—Not Running
  • 3—Starting
  • 4—Stopping
  • 5—Fault
SNMP Object OID Description
.bcnDnsSerOperState . Current running state of DNS service:
  • 1—Running
  • 2—Not Running
  • 3—Starting
  • 4—Stopping
  • 5—Fault
.bcnDnsStatSrvQrySuccess . Queries resulting in a successful answer
.bcnDnsStatSrvQryFailure . Number of failed queries that did not result in non-existent domains or records
SNMP Object OID Description
.bcnNtpSysclock . Current local time
SNMP Object OID Description
.bcnHaSerOperState . Current running state of xHA service:
  • 1—Running
  • 2—Not Running
  • 3—Starting
  • 4—Stopping
  • 5—Fault
SNMP Object OID Description
.bcnCommandServerSerOperState . Current running state of command server service:
  • 1—Running
  • 2—Not Running
  • 3—Starting
  • 4—Stopping
  • 5—Fault
SNMP Object OID Description
.bcnSysIdOSRelease . Current running BlueCat Networks OS release

BlueCat also recommends monitoring BDDS for the following SNMP traps:

SNMP Object OID Description
.bcnDhcpv4AlarmNotif . Returns when the DHCPv4 service has transitioned state or a particular event has been detected on the service.
.bcnDnsAlarmNotif . Returns when the DNS service has transitioned state or a particular event has been detected on the service.
.bcnNtpAlarmNotif . Returns when the NTP service has transitioned state or a particular event has been detected on the service.
.bcnHaAlarmNotif . Returns when the xHA service has transitioned state or a particular event has been detected on the service.
.bcnCommandServerAlarmNotif . Returns when the Command Server service has transitioned state or a particular event has been detected on the service.
.bcnSysAlarmNotif . Returns when the system starts, reboots, or shuts down


You can also poll BDDS for the following Linux-specific SNMP Objects for information on system load and usage.

SNMP Object OID Description
.memAvailSwap . Available swap size
.memTotalReal . Total RAM in machine
.memAvailReal . Total RAM used
.memTotalFree . Total RAM free
.ssCpuUser . Percentage of user CPU time
.ssCpuSystem . Percentages of system CPU time
.ssCpuIdle . Percentage of idle CPU time