DNS cache management - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Delete DNS information from the DNS recursive or caching server.

When a DNS caching or recursive server obtains a result, the query is temporarily cached according to the record's time to live (TTL) value. This is normally a good idea, as it reduces the number of queries that the caching or recursive servers need to make for known hosts. However, when an issue with a particular server or domain is found, these problematic records will persist until the TTL has expired.

Address Manager provides the ability to flush DNS information from the DNS recursive or caching server as needed. It allows you to selectively remove specific cache entries or all entries from the DNS cache to address problems found when troubleshooting DNS. If no DNS deployment role is assigned to a server, Address Manager will display a message: No DNS deployment role assigned to this server.
  • Non-administrative users must be granted deployment privilege in order to clear the server cache. Previously, non-administrative users only required the View access right to clear the server cache. For more information, refer to Setting and changing default access rights.
  • To clear all cache entries in all views, the total number of views associated with the server must not exceed 1000.
  • Clearing the DNS cache will fail if the server’s associated DNS view name contains a space. As a best practice, BlueCat recommends to not include any spaces in the names of DNS views.

To clear the DNS cache from the server:

  1. From the configuration drop-down menu, select a configuration.
  2. Select the Servers tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
  3. Under Servers, click a server name. The Details tab for the server opens.
  4. Click the Diagnostics tab.
  5. Under DNS, select Clear Cache from the Action drop-down menu.
  6. Click Execute. The Clear DNS Cache page opens.
  7. Under Clear DNS Cache, select a cache entry that you want to clear from the Clear record(s) from drop-down menus.
    • View—select to delete DNS cache entries within a specific DNS view. You can either clear all views associated with the server or view-specific cache entries in a single view.
      • To clear all cache entries in all views, select View from the first drop-down menu and select All Views from the second drop-down menu.
      • To clear view-specific cache entries in a single View, select view from the first drop-down menu and select a specific view from the second drop-down menu. Only views with DNS roles assigned to the server will display in the second drop-down menu.
    • Domain—select to delete domain name cache entries. You can either clear all domain name entries in all views associated with the server or view-specific domain name entries in a single view. When you select this option, the Please enter comma-separated names field displays.
      • To clear all domain name cache entries in all views associated with the server, select Domain from the first drop-down menu and select All Views from the second drop-down menu. Use comma-separated format (CSV) to add multiple domain name entries in the list, or add one entry per line to add multiple entries.
      • To clear domain name cache entries from a particular view, select Domain from the first drop-down menu and select a specific view from the second drop-down menu. Only views with DNS roles assigned to the server will display in the second drop-down menu.
    • Host—select to delete host name cache entries. You can either clear all host name entries in all views associated with the server or view-specific host name entries in a single view. When this option is selected, the Please enter comma-separated names field appears.
      • To clear all host name cache entries in all views, select Host from the first drop-down menu and select All Views from the second drop-down menu. Use CSV format to add multiple host name entries in the list, or add one entry per line to add multiple entries.
      • To clear host name cache entries from a particular view, select Host from the first drop-down menu and select a specific view from the second drop-down menu. Only views with DNS roles assigned to the server will display in the second drop-down menu.
    • Please enter comma-separated names—this field is populated when you select Domain or Host from the first drop-down menu. After selecting Domain or Host, enter a list of domain or host names that you want to clear from your DNS server cache. You can enter multiple names in CSV format or one entry per line.
  8. Click Clear.