Data and Logs - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

As a part of initializing Gateway Service, BAM mounts data and logs folder on the BDDS. This is contrary to deployment on Docker, where BlueCat recommends using Docker volumes as a best practice. However, for Gateway Service on BDDS specifically, mounted volumes work better with the BDDS file system and ensure data persistence when patching or upgrading BDDS.
Note: A known issue exists for Gateway on BDDS for Address Manager v9.4.x and earlier where Gateway data and logs are not retained on the DNS/DHCP Server after upgrade. Refer to KI-025197 for more information.
Gateway Data - /root/gwdata/
  • Stores any changes made to the Gateway configuration of a running container
  • Shared directory for any image loaded onto BDDS, meaning if you replace images, the containers will write the runtime data to /root/gwdata/
  • Do not use for app, plugin, or workflow data; use the Built-in workspace and generate a custom image
Logs - Gateway Service on BDDS has two sets of logs
  • Gateway Logs: /var/log/gateway - Gateway system logs
  • BDDS Logs: /var/log/commandServer.log - Docker status and Gateway status