This section describes how to apply software updates and patches to DNS/DHCP Server appliances and virtual machines that are under Address Manager control.
Upgrading the DNS/DHCP Server software installs the most current version of the software downloaded to Address Manager. DNS/DHCP Server software updates are available from BlueCat Customer Care and are uploaded to Address Manager from your local machine/workstation.
Before upgrading DNS/DHCP Server appliances or VMs, refer to Address Manager software updates for more information about downloading software upgrades for Address Manager.
Address Manager v9.4.0 supports DNS/DHCP Server appliances and virtual machines running software version 9.2.0 or greater only. BlueCat recommends that customers upgrading to Address Manager v9.4.0 also upgrade any managed servers to software version 9.2.0 or greater in order to ensure proper continuity and functionality of services.
- For a checklist on all steps involved when upgrading Address Manager, refer to the following article on BlueCat Customer Care:
Any servers running software version 6.7.x behind NAT must be upgraded to DNS/ DHCP Server v9.1.0 or greater to ensure the Address Manager displays the NAT IP address properly.