Database replication troubleshooting - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Error Messages

If failure occurs during database replication, refer to /var/log/replication.log and /opt/server/proteus/log/server.log for error messages. The following table displays the database replication task and the log files associated with the task:
Table 1.
Database replication task Log files to verify
Configuring database replication
  • Primary server - server.log, replication.log
  • Standby server - replication.log
Adding a server to function as a Standby server
  • Primary server - server.log, replication.log
  • Standby server - replication.log
Removing one Standby server
  • Primary server - replication.log
Breaking database replication
  • Primary server - replication.log
Resetting database replication
  • Primary server - replication.log (verify where "reset replication" command is executed)
Database replication failover
  • Primary server - replication.log
  • Standby server - replication.log

Rogue files in /data/pgdata

Files that are not owned by PostgresSQL should be removed from the /data/pgdata directory. If rogue files exist the following error messages will appear in syslog:
Mar 16 21:57:11 hostname postgres[16480]: [10] ERROR:  could not open file "./z": Permission denied
Mar 16 21:57:11 hostname postgres[16480]: [14] LOG: could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer
Mar 16 21:57:11 hostname postgres[16480]: [15] LOG: unexpected EOF on standby connection
To find files that are not owned by PostgresSQL, run the following command:
find /data/pgdata ! -user postgres