Adding tasks - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Tasks help you document and track the progress of assignments and projects in Address Manager On the Tasks page, you can add, edit, and delete tasks.

You can view a list of your tasks in the Tasks widget on the My IPAM page.

For information about working with My IPAM dashboard and widgets, refer to My IPAM overview.

To add a task:

  1. Click the User icon in the top-right of the Address Manager page and select Tasks.
  2. Under Tasks, click New.
  3. Define or edit the task in these fields:
    • Description—type a name for the task. The description appears in the Tasks section of the My IPAM page. This field is required.
    • Priority—select a priority level for the task. The priority level indicates the importance of the task.
    • State—select a state for the task. The state describes the progress and status of the tasks.
    • Comments—type a description of the task.
    • Percent Completed—type a number to indicate how much of the task is complete.
    • Start Date and Due Date—type a date in the format DD MMM YYYY or click the calendar button to select a date.
      Attention: If your preferred browser locale does not match the configured Address Manager system language locale, you may experience issues with the date component within Address Manager. If you cannot configure the date component, you must update the browser locale to match the configured Address Manager system language locale. By default, the Address Manager system language locale is configured to English [en-US].

      For more information on supported Address Manager system languages and configuring the Address Manager locale, refer to Setting system language.

  4. Click Add to add the task and return to the Tasks page, or click Add Next to add another task.