Working with ENUM zone prefixes - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Set the prefix numbers of an ENUM zone and set the zone as deployable.

To add prefixes to an ENUM zone:

  1. From the ENUM tab, click the name of an ENUM zone. The Prefixes tab for the ENUM zone opens.
  2. Under Prefixes, click New.
  3. Under General, set the prefix for the ENUM zone:
    • Prefix—enter a value for the portion of the telephone number that the zone represents. Typically, an ENUM zones represents a portion of a telephone number, such as the country code, area code, or exchange.
  4. Under General Options, determine if the ENUM zone is to be deployable:
    • Deployable—when selected, the ENUM zone is deployable. When not selected, the zone isn't deployable.
  5. Under Change Control, add comments, if required.
  6. Click Add or click Add Next.