Specifying DNS servers in IP reconciliation policies - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

You can add DNS servers when adding IPv4 and IPv6 reconciliation policies. Setting DNS servers at the IP reconciliation policy level will supersede DNS servers set at any other levels.

For example, if you have set a DNS server at the global configuration level and you add a DNS server in an IP reconciliation policy, the DNS server set in that IP reconciliation policy will override the DNS server set the configuration level when running this particular reconciliation policy.

To add DNS servers in IP reconciliation policies:

  1. Navigate to the Add IPv4/IPv6 Reconciliation Policy or Add IPv4/IPv6 Reconciliation Policy page at the configuration, block or network level.
  2. Under Advanced Parameters, set the following parameters:
    • Skip FQDN/Reverse DNS Resolution—select to skip FQDN and DNS reverse lookups. If this options is selected, Address Manager discovery engine will not perform FQDN and DNS reverse lookups against any DNS resolver and the FQDN column in the IPv4/IPv6 Reconciliation table will display empty.
    • DNS Server—enter a DNS server IP address that the discovery engine will use to perform FQDN and DNS reverse lookups.
      • Setting a DNS server in an IP reconciliation policy will override the DNS server setting added in the Reconciliation Settings page at the configuration level.
      • IPv4 only. If you don't set a DNS server either at the global configuration level or specific IP reconciliation policies, the IP reconciliation and discovery engine will use the name server configured from the Address Manager administration console.

    For complete information on adding an IP Reconciliation Policy, refer to Creating and editing IP reconciliation policies and Running, activating, and deactivating IP reconciliation policies.