Configuring Dedicated Management - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

This section describes how to enable and disable Dedicated Management on 3 and 4-port DNS/DHCP Servers.

Dedicated Management isolates network traffic for Services (DNS, DHCP, and TFTP) and Management (SSH, SNMP polling, Command Server), which allows for a more secure network infrastructure. Network interfaces with Dedicated Management enabled are as follows:
  • eth0 — Services
  • eth1 — xHA Backbone
  • eth2 — Management
  • eth3 — Port bonding (supported on DNS/DHCP Server hardware only, not virtual machines)
    Note: DNS/DHCP Server virtual machines can be configured with three network interfaces to support Services, xHA, and Management.
Configuring Dedicated Management in your network environment is a serious and complex task. Existing customers wanting to upgrade their Address Manager and DNS/DHCP Server appliances and enable Dedicated Management should first contact BlueCat Customer Care for more information and help:
Note: Dedicated management over NAT is currently not supported.

When you first install a DNS/DHCP Server appliance, both Management and Service interfaces are set to eth0 by default. In order to use multi-interface support, you must configure the Management interface by assigning an IPv4 or IPv6 address to the interface and enabling Dedicated Management from the DNS/DHCP Server Administration Console. After you have configured the Management Interface, you can set options for the remaining interfaces using the Address Manager user interface (except for the IPv6 services address which must be configured through the DNS/DHCP Server Administration Console).

If you want to enable Dedicated Management on a DNS/DHCP Server already managed by BAM, you must first disable the server in the Address Manager user interface then remove the BDDS from Address Manager control via the DNS/DHCP Server Administration Console.