Creating backup profiles and scheduling backups - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Create and edit backup profiles through the Address Manager Administration Console.

Use the configure backup <backup profile name> command to create your own backup profile and configure the settings as you want, or to edit an existing backup profile. You can add scheduled backup information to run the backup automatically.

Note: When configuring a backup profile with a remote host, ports 21 (for FTP) or 22 (for SFTP) must be open on the firewall between Address Manager and the remote host. For more information on service ports, protocols, and usage, refer to Address Manager service ports.

To create or edit a backup profile, or to schedule backups:

  1. Log in to the Address Manager Administration Console. For instructions, refer to Using the Administration Console.
  2. From Main Session mode, type configure additional and press ENTER.
  3. Type configure backup <backup profile name> and press ENTER. When you enter the backup configuration mode, the following default backup settings display:
    • If you are creating a new backup profile, the default values display.
    • If you are editing an existing backup profile, the current settings for the profile display.
    • ID—the name of the backup profile.
    • Schedule—the day of the week or the frequency of the backup schedule, and the time of day at which the schedule runs. The default value is none.
    • Files to keep—the number of backup files retained in the local or remote backup directory. Valid values are between 2 and 20. The default value is 10.
    • File Prefix—a prefix appearing at the beginning of the backup file filename. A file prefix is required and must be one to ten alphanumeric characters, without spaces. The default prefix is backup.
    • Save local—when set to yes, backup files are saved on the local server in the /data/backup directory. When set to no, backup files aren't saved on the local server. A backup schedule can save files both locally and remotely.
    • Save remotely—when set to yes, backup files are saved remotely. When set to no, backup files aren't saved remotely.
    • Remote host—in a remote backup, the host name or IP address for the remote location where the backup files are saved. The default value is blank.
    • Remote directory—in a remote backup, the directory where the backup files are saved. The default value is blank.
    • Remote user—in a remote backup, the username used to connect to the remote location. The default value is blank.
    • Remote password—in a remote backup, the password for the user account used to connect to the remote location. The password doesn't appear on the screen.
    • Transfer protocol—in a remote backup, the protocol used to transfer the backup files to the remote location. The transfer protocol can be ftp or sftp. The default value isftp.
  4. Type schedule <weekday|everyday|none> <time> and press ENTER.
    • The weekday parameter specifies the day of the week on which to run the backup. Type any one of these values: everyday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday or sunday. Or, type none if you only want to create backups on demand with the execute backup command.
    • The time parameter accepts values in the twenty-four hour clock format. For example, the value 200 indicates 2:00 AM, while the value 1400 indicates 2:00 PM.
  5. Type keep-files <2-20> and press ENTER.
  6. Type file-prefix <prefix> and press ENTER. The prefix must contain up to 10 alphanumeric characters, without spaces.
  7. Type save-local <yes|no> and press ENTER. When you set save-local to yes, backup files are saved on the local server in the /data/backup directory. When you set save-local to no, backup files aren't saved on the local server. A backup schedule can save files both locally and remotely.
  8. Type save-remote <yes|no> and press ENTER. When you set save-remote to yes, backup files are saved at a remote location that you can specify. When you set save-remote to no, backup files aren't saved to a remote location. A backup schedule can save files both locally and remotely.
  9. If configuring a remote backup, you must configure the remote host. Type remote-host <hostname> and press ENTER. For hostname, type the host name or IP address for the host. The host name may contain up to 255 characters without spaces. The remote host must be running an FTP service.
    Note: Currently, there is a limitation that the labels of the hostname can't contain only numbers. For example, isn't an accepted hostname; however, is an accepted hostname.
  10. If configuring a remote backup, you must set the remote directory. Type remote-dir <directorypath> and press ENTER. For directoryPath, type the directory or directory path in which you want to save the backup files on the remote host. The directory path may contain up to 1024 characters without spaces.
  11. If configuring a remote backup, you must set the remote username. Type remote-user <username> and press ENTER. For username, type the username used to log in to the remote host. The username may contain up to 64 characters without spaces.
  12. If configuring a remote backup, you must set the remote user password. Type remote-password and press ENTER. You are prompted to enter a password.
  13. If configuring a remote backup, you can set the file transfer protocol. Type transfer-protocol <ftp|sftp> and press ENTER.
    Note: If you don't specify the transfer protocol, the backup uses FTP as the default transfer protocol.
  14. At the password prompt, type the password to the remote host and press ENTER. The password may contain up to 64 alphanumeric and special characters without spaces. You can't use any of the following characters in the password: ~ ; > $ < > ‘’ \ / “” & , : ^ [ ] ( ).
    Note: If reviewing your changes before saving (show), the Remote password field will be left blank, even if you have set a remote password.
  15. Type save and press ENTER.