Viewing DNS/DHCP service configurations - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Address Manager provides the ability to view the contents of the current DNS or DHCP service configuration files of any managed DNS/DHCP Server or xHA pair directly from the Address Manager web interface.

This removes the need to access the DNS/DHCP Server directly when troubleshooting service issues related to DNS and DHCP. The DNS service configuration file also includes zone configuration files for convenience and help with troubleshooting.
Attention: The exported contents of the DNS and DHCP service configuration files should not be used as functional backups for your current DNS or DHCP service configurations.
Note: You must have already deployed DNS and DHCP service in order to view contents of DNS or DHCP configuration files.

To view the DNS/DHCP service configuration:

  1. From the configuration drop-down menu, select a configuration.
  2. Select the Servers tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
  3. Under Servers, click a server name. The Details tab for the server opens.
  4. Click the Diagnostics tab.
  5. Perform the following steps to view DNS or DHCP service configurations:
    • To view DNS service configuration - under DNS, select View DNS Configuration from the Action drop-down menu.
      1. Click Execute. Address Manager displays the current content of the DNS service configuration file along with embedded content of the zone configuration files.
      2. To view zone configuration details, click any of the +/- Zone hyperlinks to view the content of the zone configuration files, or click +/- Expand/Collapse All Zone Configurations to expand or contract all content of the zone configuration files.
        Tip: This is a quick way to view the content of the zone configuration files to help troubleshoot any issues with your DNS zones.
      3. Click View As Text to view the contents of the DNS service configuration file (combined with the content of the zone configuration files) in a new browser page. This allows you to easily copy or save the contents as a text file.
      4. Click Back to Diagnostics to return to Diagnostics tab page.
    • To view DHCPv4 service configuration - under DHCP, select View DHCPv4 Configuration from the Action drop-down menu.
      1. Click Execute. Address Manager displays the content of the DHCPv4 service configuration file.
      2. Click View As Text to view the contents of the DHCPv4 service configuration file in a new browser page. This allows you to easily copy or save the contents as a text file.
      3. Click Back to Diagnostics to return to Diagnostics tab page.
    • To view DHCPv6 service configuration - under DHCP, select View DHCPv6 Configuration from the Action drop-down menu.
      1. Click Execute. Address Manager displays the content of the DHCPv6 service configuration file.
      2. Click View As Text to view the contents of the DHCPv6 service configuration file in a new browser page. This allows you to easily copy or save the contents as a text file.
      3. Click Back to Diagnostics to return to Diagnostics tab page.