Configuring static IPv4 settings - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

How to manually set a static IPv4 address, static gateway, and static subnet mask, and DNS Servers.

iDRAC9 / iDRAC8 / iDRAC7

Configure static IPv4 settings on iDRAC9, iDRAC8, or iDRAC7.

To configure static IPv4 settings:

  1. From the System Setup Main Menu, select iDRAC Settings and press ENTER. The iDRAC Settings menu opens.
    iDRAC Settings
    iDRAC Settings Version                                        
    iDRAC Firmware Version                                                  1.55.55
    System Summary
    System Event Log
    Front Panel Security
    Virtual Media
    vFlash Media
    Lifecycle Controller
    Power Configuration
    System Location
    User Configuration
    Smart Card
  2. Press the Down arrow key to select Network and press ENTER. The Network Settings menu opens.
  3. Confirm that the Enable NIC option is Enabled.
  4. Press the Down arrow key to view the following IPv4 settings:
    IPv4 Settings
    Enable IPv4                                                            <Enabled>
    Enable DHCP                                                            <Enabled>
    Static IP Address                                                 []
    Static Gateway                                                    []
    Static Subnet Mask                                                []
    Use DHCP to obtain DNS Server address                                <Disabled>
    Static Preferred DNS Server                                       []
    Static Alternate DNS Server                                       []
  5. Press the Up and Down arrow keys to highlight Enable IPv4, and then make sure it's set to Enabled. Press the Space bar to toggle between Disabled and Enabled.
    Press the Right arrow key to go to the next field each time. When you have finished, press ENTER.
  6. Press the Down arrow key to highlight Enable DHCP, and then make sure it's set to Disabled. Press the Space bar to toggle between Disabled and Enabled.
    Note: If you want to obtain automatic addresses from DHCP, set Enable DHCP to Enabled.
  7. Press the Down arrow key to highlight Static IP Address, and press ENTER. Type the static IPv4 address you want to assign to the iDRAC port and press ENTER.
    Note: The iDRAC port must have an unique IP address—it can't use any of the following addresses:
    • the physical address of the appliance
    • the Anycast address, if you enabled Anycast
    • the virtual address, if you are configuring an DNS/DHCP Server appliance that's part of an xHA pair. This doesn't apply to Address Manager.

    In an xHA pair, iDRAC in each appliance must have an unique IP address.

  8. Press the Down arrow key to highlight Static Gateway and press ENTER. Type the address of the static gateway for your network and press ENTER.
  9. Press the Down arrow key to highlight Static Subnet Mask and press ENTER. Type the address of the static subnet mask for your network and press ENTER.
  10. Press the Down arrow key to highlight Use DHCP to obtain DNS Server address, and then make sure it's set to Disabled. Press the Space bar to toggle between Disabled and Enabled.
    Note: If you want to obtain automatic addresses for your DNS servers from DHCP, set Use DHCP to obtain DNS Server address to Enabled.
  11. Press the Down arrow key to highlight Static Preferred DNS Server, and press ENTER. Type the address of the static preferred DNS server and press ENTER.
  12. Press the Down arrow key to highlight Static Alternate DNS Server, and press ENTER. Type the address of the static alternate DNS server and press ENTER.
  13. Press Esc to return to the iDRAC Settings menu.
  14. If you don't want to configure any other settings, press Esc again. A dialog window opens.
    Settings have been changed. Do you want to save the changes?
  15. Select Yes and press ENTER.
    The pre-boot phase continues.


Configure static IPv4 settings on iDRAC6.

To configure static IPv4 settings:

  1. Press the Down arrow key to highlight Lan Parameters and press ENTER. The top part of the Lan Parameters configuration window opens, showing the Common Settings.
  2. Press the down arrow key to view the following IP settings:

  3.                                    IPv4 Settings
    IPv4 ..................................................... Enabled
    RMCP+ Encryption Key ..................................... <ENTER>
    IPv4 Address Source ...................................... Static
    IPv4 Address ............................................. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
    Subnet Mask .............................................. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
    Default Gateway .......................................... XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
    DNS Servers from DHCP .................................... Off
    DNS Server 1 ............................................. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
    DNS Server 2 ............................................. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
  4. Press the Up and Down arrow keys to highlight IPv4, and then make sure it's set to Enabled. Press the Space bar to toggle between Disabled and Enabled.
  5. Press the Down arrow key to highlight IPv4 Address Source, and then make sure it's set to Static. Press the Space bar to toggle between DHCP and Static.
    Note: If you want to obtain automatic addresses from DHCP, set IPv4 Address Source to DHCP.
  6. Press the Down arrow key to highlight IPv4 Address and press ENTER.
  7. Enter the IP address you want to assign to the iDRAC port. Press the Right arrow key to go to the next field each time. When you have finished, press ENTER.
    Note: The iDRAC port must have an unique IP address—it can't use any of the following addresses:
    • the physical address of the appliance
    • the Anycast address, if you enabled Anycast
    • the virtual address, if you are configuring an DNS/DHCP Server appliance that's part of an xHA pair. This doesn't apply to Address Manager.

    In an xHA pair, iDRAC in each appliance must have an unique IP address.

  8. Press the Down arrow key to highlight Subnet Mask and press ENTER.
  9. Type the address of the subnet mask for your network. Press the Right arrow key to go to the next field each time. When you have finished, press ENTER.
  10. Press the Down arrow key to highlight Default Gateway and press ENTER.
  11. Enter the address of the default gateway for your network. Press the Right arrow key to go to the next field each time. When you have finished, press ENTER.
  12. Press the Down arrow key to highlight DNS Servers from DHCP, and then make sure it's set to Off. Press the Space bar to toggle between On and Off.
    Note: If you want to obtain automatic addresses for your DNS servers from DHCP, set DNS Servers from DHCP to On.
  13. Press the Down arrow key to highlight DNS Server 1, and press ENTER.
  14. Type the address of the first DNS server. Press the Right arrow key to go to the next field each time. When you have finished, press ENTER.
  15. Press the Down arrow key to highlight DNS Server 2, and press ENTER.
  16. Type the address of the second DNS server. Press the Right arrow key to go to the next field each time. When you have finished, press ENTER.
  17. Press Esc to return to the Configuration Utility window.
  18. If you don't want to configure any other settings, press Esc again. A small utility window opens.
    Save Changes and Exit
    Discard Changes and Exit
    Return to Setup
  19. Select Save Changes and Exit and press ENTER.
    The pre-boot phase continues.