Reference: Bulk DNS update CSV file - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity
Each line in the comma-separated value (CSV) file represents a resource record. A line break must follow each line, and the file may contain up to 5000 lines. The comma-separated values represent columns of data, but the CSV file must not contain column headings. For example:
action, recordname, TTL, recordtype, rdata, comment, user-defined field name=value, user-defined field name n=value,...
You cannot comment out lines in the file. Each line contains the following columns:
Column Description
action The action to be performed on the record. Valid values are add, update, and delete. This column must be present and must contain a value.
  • add creates a new resource record.
  • update changes only the TTL, comment, and user-defined fields for most resource record types. For CNAME records, update changes only the host record to which the CNAME record points. For A records, update ignores any change made to the record’s IPv4 address.
  • delete deletes resource records. If a record isn't found in Address Manager, a file-not-found error is logged in the server log, and error handling options Abort update and Skip records with errors and continue update have no bearing on this action. To delete records that contain multiple IP addresses, specify the address with an * asterisk.
recordname The name of the resource record. This column must be present and may or may not contain a value:
  • If performing a bulk update at the zone level, you can leave this column blank to give the resource record the same name as the zone. The name of the record displays in Address Manager as (Same as Zone).
  • If performing a bulk update at the view level, you must enter a value in this column. Bulk DNS update can't create records with (Same as Zone) for the record name from the view level.
If your resource record names are controlled by a naming policy, you must specify names that match the requirements of the policy. To specify an incremental value in the CSV file, use the # (pound) symbol.

How you specify record names is dependent on whether you are performing bulk updates from the view level or zone level:

  • If performing a bulk update at the view level, you must specify a FQDN (with or without trailing dot). The way Address Manager handles the resource record name will depend on what zones already exist within the view. Consider the following bulk update line added at the view level:
    add,, 3600, A,

    If the zone com does not exist within the view, the operation will be blocked with an error “could not locate zone”.

    If the zone com does exist within the view, but the subzone does not, the host record will be added. The resource record will be located in the com zone and the name of the resource record will display as dotted hostname host1.example in the com zone resource records table.

    If the zone com and subzone both exist within the view, the host record will be added. The resource record will be located in the zone and the name of the resource record will display as host1 in the zone resource records table.

  • If performing a bulk update at the zone level, you can specify a FQDN (with trailing dot) or relative name. In addition, same as zone record names can be specified by leaving the record name blank, or providing a FQDN with both a leading and trailing dot.

    Consider the following bulk update lines added to the subzone of the com zone:

    add,, 3600, A,
    This line adds the host record The resource record will be located in the zone, and the name of the resource record will display as host1 in the zone resource records table.
    add, host1, 3600, A,
    This line adds the host record The resource record will be located in the zone, and the name of the resource record will display as host1 in the zone resource records table.
    add,, 3600, A,
    This line adds the same as zone name host record. The resource record will be located in the subzone and the name of the resource record will display as (Same as Zone) in the zone resource records table.
    add, , 3600, A,
    This line adds the same as zone name host record. The resource record will be located in the subzone and the name of the resource record will display as (Same as Zone) in the zone resource records table.
    Warning: When performing bulk updates at the zone level, ensure that FQDNs include a trailing dot. Note the following example:
    add,, 3600, A,
    This line adds the host record As the record name does not include a trailing dot, it is processed as a relative dotted hostname. The resource record will be located in the subzone and the name of the resource record will be displayed as in the zone resource records table.
TTL The time-to-live value, in seconds, for the resource record. This column must be present but may be left blank. To leave a column blank, leave a space between the commas that delimit the column.
recordtype The type of resource record. Valid values are A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, SRV, HINFO, TXT, and NAPTR. The following generic record types are also valid: A6, AFSDB, APL, CAA, CERT, DHCID, DNAME, DS, IPSECKEY, ISDN, KEY, KX, LOC, MB, MG, MINFO, MR, NS, NSAP, PTR, PX, RP, RT, SINK, SPF, SSHFP, TLSA, WKS, and X25.
Note: The A6 record type has been moved to Historic status per RFC 6563, and is planned for removal in a future release.
This column must be present and must contain a value.
rdata The data to define the resource record. Where multiple parameters are specified for the rdata, the values are separated with a space. This column must be present and must contain a value.
comment A text string describing the resource record. After the record is added to Address Manager, this string appears in the Comments field when viewing the resource record’s Details tab. This column is optional. If you are adding user-defined fields to the record, this column must be present but may be left blank. To leave a column blank, leave a space between the commas that delimit the column.
user-defined field name The name and value for a user-defined field. This column is optional. You can add an unlimited number of user-defined field values in each line. The user-defined field must already exist in Address Manager. The name of the user-defined field must be specified exactly as it appears in Address Manager. The value must match the type of value defined for the field. For more information on user-defined fields, refer to Object types and user-defined fields.

Resource record data

The rdata field contains the parameters for the resource record being added, updated, or deleted. When adding a record, these parameters define the record. When updating or deleting a record, these parameters are used to find the record to update or delete; all parameters must match an existing record for the record to be updated or deleted.
Record Type rdata
A Specify an IPv4 address for the host record.

For example:

AAAA Specify an IPv6 address for the host record.

For example: 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 or 2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334

CNAME Specify the host for the alias record.

For example:

MX Specify the priority and host name for the mail exchanger record, with a single space between each value:

For example: 10

SRV Specify the priority, weight, port, and host for the service record, with a single space between each value.

For example: 10 50 5050

To leave a value blank, use a 0 (zero) for the value.

In this example, the priority and weight values are set to 0 (zero): 0 0 5050

HINFO Specify the central processor unit and operating system for the host information record, with a single space between each value. To include spaces in each value, the entire rdata string must be enclosed in “quotation marks”. Values that contain string must be enclosed in ““double”” quotation marks.

For example: """Dual 1.2Ghz"" ""Linux 7.1"""

TXT Specify the text string for the text record.

For example: This is a text record

NAPTR Specify the order, preference, flags service, regular expression, replacement, and for the naming authority pointer record.

For example: 100 10 A E2U+email !^.*$!!i .

Generic record types Specify the rdata string for the record type. Refer to the respective RFC of each record type for the required rdata string.

CSV examples

To add a host record with a comment and user-defined field:

add,, 3600, A,, A Host record, Location=Toronto
To add a host record with no comment and with a user-defined field:
add,, 3600, A,, , Location=New York
To add a host record with multiple IPv4 addresses:
add,, 3600, A,
add,, 3600, A,
add,, 3600, A,
To add an SRV record with a blank port value:
add,, 3600, SRV, 10 0 50, An SRV record
To add an AAAA record for an IPv6 address:
add,, 3600, AAAA, FD3B:4F43:E610:0:1322:33FF:FE44:5566
To update the TTL and comment for a host record:
update,, 7200, A,, Updated the TTL
To delete a host record that may have multiple IP addresses:
delete,, 7200, A, *