Modifying VLAN interfaces - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Run optional commands to enable or disable the VLAN interface, and add or remove additional IP service addresses.

To modify a VLAN interface:

  1. From Main Session mode, type configure interfaces and press ENTER.
  2. Type modify <vlan-interface> and press ENTER.
  3. Run any of the following commands:
    • Enable or disable a VLAN interface
      Adonis:configure:interface:vlan-interface> set active <on|off>
    • Add additional IP service addresses
      Adonis:configure:interface:vlan-interface> add address <ipv4|ipv6address/CIDR>
    • Remove additional IP service addresses
      Adonis:configure:interface:vlan-interface> remove address <ipv4|ipv6address/CIDR>
  4. Type save and press ENTER. The Administration Console saves your settings.