Enabling DNS/DHCP Server network redundancy from the Address Manager user interface - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Address Manager supports network redundancy through port bonding on 4-port DNS/DHCP Server appliances only.

Configuring network redundancy on a 4-port DNS/DHCP Server appliance provides you with better network capacity and reliability by creating multi-gigabit pipes to transport traffic through the highest traffic areas of the network. Port bonding can be used for load balancing and interface redundancy.

For most scenarios, BlueCat recommends enabling network redundancy from the Address Manager user interface when you are adding or replacing an DNS/DHCP Server.

Supported bonding modes

DNS/DHCP Server appliances support:
  • FailoverActive/Backup bonding where only one interface in the bond is active (Primary). This allows the secondary interface (eth3) to take over transparently if the Primary interface (eth0) fails.
  • Load BalancingActive/Active bonding using industry standard 802.3ad aggregation protocol, where aggregation groups share the same speed and duplex settings. Each interface shares the throughput and each interface is active; neither interface is a primary nor a secondary.
    Note: Active/Active (802.3ad) load balancing must be enabled from the Address Manager user interface when adding or replacing a DNS/DHCP Server. If enabling Active/Active load balancing, you must first enable Active/Active on the DNS/ DHCP Server from Address Manager, then configure Active/Active (802.3ad) on your network switch. This protects against loss of connectivity with the DNS/DHCP Server.