Types of deployment - BlueCat Integrity - 9.4.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Address Manager uses two modes to deploy DNS data to managed servers: full deployment and differential deployment.

  • During full deployment, Address Manager deploys all of your DNS configuration data to your managed servers. The first time you deploy your configuration, Address Manager performs a full deployment.
  • During differential deployment, Address Manager deploys only the changes made to resource records since the last full deployment. Differential deployment reduces deployment time by minimizing the amount of data sent to the managed servers.

When you launch a deployment with the Deploy function, Address Manager examines the configuration and automatically determines if it should perform a full or differential deployment. You can force Address Manager to perform a full deployment by selecting Force DNS full deployment when you perform a deployment. For more information on manual deployment, refer to Manual deployment. For more information on creating deployment schedules, refer to Deployment schedules.

Generally, Address Manager performs a differential deployment when the only difference in your data is found in DNS resource records. Address Manager performs a full deployment if there are changes to DNS zones, DNS deployment options or roles; DNSSEC keys; TSIG keys, Kerberos principals, server groups, or other objects outside of DNS resource records.
Note: Address Manager requires an accurate time source to properly calculate changes in your data for differential deployment. For instructions on how to configure a Network Time Protocol (NTP) source for Address Manager, refer to System time.

On the Deployment Status, Event List, and Event Summary pages, you can see which mode Address Manager used for each deployment. For more information on deployment status and the event list, refer to Tracking deployment and Managing Events.

Address Manager also features a Quick Deploy function where you can instantly deploy changes made to DNS resource records. For more information, refer to Performing quick deployment.